national service

by Ellie 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • under74

    Wow. In the US we don't get any child benefits. That means you can take time off when giving birth and then taking care of your kid for a while right?

  • PaulJ
    No, I don't think we have a yob culture, I think we have a new target to blame and I don't have the answer for social injustice.

    Well what we are saying, as an idea, is that PERHAPS, National Service MIGHT be an solution. I do think we have a yob culture in this country and I would guess many people would agree with me.

    I do agree that their families need more help, tho I would suspect their parents are pretty much a second generation.

    Ellie, your little girl would have to be in secondary school by now for you to be a chav mum!!!! And she would have to be called 'Beyonce'

  • under74
    ME! ME! I bloody well tell them this every day. Im always trying to encourage my kids - I take into account that they have got hard lives, difficult families, and low expectations.

    NO, I'm not talking about the teachers of these kids. I'm talking politicians and so on. Also keep in mind what I wrote about it being hard to break whatever cycle the family is in.

    Dont tell me no-one takes an interes

    I never did. What I will say is that if you've never been through it, it's hard to relate.

  • katiekitten
    young able-bodied people who mooch off the state

    I have asked my year 9 students what jobs they are interested in, and apart from the odd beauty therapist (how many more do we need?) I have been told "whats va point miss I can va get dole when I leave". Honestly. Its very depressing.

    I do think we have a yob culture. And I do think it indicates serious underlying problems. And I DO think people in this country know its one of the easiest countries in the world to do nothing in. In many other countries those people would be eaten by the lions.

    In some parts of the UK the social security bus even goes out and hands out the benefits because some people are so useless they cant get into the post office to pick up their money. Now thats a flaming good service if you ask me.

    By the time my students are causing troulbe in public places they have already had thousands of ££ worth of care from numerous different agencies - teachers, social workers, behaviour support, learning support, LEA behaviour specialists, police. When a student is put on a behaviour contract as a last resort before being expelled they have had months and maybe years of specialised help. They very rarely change their behaviour despite all the help. In that situation, and when the pyhsical safety of other students and teachers are at stake, I dont see anything wrong with a bit of enforced national service.

    I have spent so much time trying to reach out to kids, talking to them, giving them a safe environment to open up to you, not shouting at them when they call me a stupid slag infront of the whole class (and all the rest). I can tell you, I am a real bleeding heart liberal, and I really do care about young people, and the only thing I have learned so far is that they see you as someone they can take for a ride, and maybe steal your purse when you turn your back.

  • katiekitten
    ME! ME! I bloody well tell them this every day. Im always trying to encourage my kids - I take into account that they have got hard lives, difficult families, and low expectations.

    NO, I'm not talking about the teachers of these kids. I'm talking politicians and so on.

    But if a teacher who sees a child every day cant help a kid increase his self esteem, what chance does a politician stand?

    Its not like a kids gonna read an article in the paper about how he can be all that he wants to be. If the people working with that child every day cant make a difference because the child is working SO hard to sabbotage any efforts to help him, then I dont believe a few encouraging messages from the top would make any difference.

    I tell my kids if they put as much effort into learning as they do into making my lessons impossible, they would be about 2 years ahead of where they currently are educationally.

  • PaulJ
    But if a teacher who sees a child every day cant help a kid increase his self esteem, what chance does a politician stand?

    Good point!!!!!!

  • katiekitten

    Well lets face it, if they cant make it in the UK, where can they make it?

    My solution would be to remove every single person from the UK and drop them in Afghanistan. The ones who have to balls to make it back to the UK clinging onto the undercarriage of trains and trucks and hiding in freight containers and crawling through the channel tunnel would have earned the right to stop here.

    Theres a reason why all the assylum seekers and immigrants dont want to stop in France, but keep on coming until they get to the UK, and thats because we look after our poor, pathetic, ill and lazy, good and bad alike very well indeed.

  • under74

    For a swift change it needs to happen before they are in their teens and it needs to happen through their family. School is always a help BUT the people closest are the best way.

    Look, I understand what you're saying katie, I understand because I used to be one of those kids calling goodwilled teachers names. It's a defence mechanisim. I didn't ever want to admit I needed help. I'm not saying to fall all over yourself to offer help but I am saying to recognize when some 16 year old is playing tough.

  • PaulJ

    Im voting for Katie in the next election!

  • katiekitten

    Under74 - I do recognise it. I know them way better than they will ever know themselves. I know its not personal, I know they are covering up vulnerabilities and hard homelives - but that doesnt help me help them increase their self esteem does it?

    That doesnt help me help them stop the cycle of futileness in their life. And they are both unable and unwilling to help themselves. And we both know their home lives and parents are hopeless, because that is why the kids are like they are in the first place.

    SO - even though I understand what the problems are, if I cant help the kid, and the kid cant help himself, and the parents cant help, and all the other specialist professional help cant help (and I KNOW for a fact it cant because I have seen enough intervention in enough dyfunctional families to know they dont respond in about 98% of cases) - THEN - what is wrong with a bit of National Service after all those other avenues have been exhausted?

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