when someone comes across something in the "truth" that disterbs them should they write to the society or is this pointless?
I think they should write for several reasons.
1.You must give them at least a chance to present their side of the story.It is no good just relying for others for your information you can not be shure what the society really belive until you hear it from them yourself.
Wasn't just relying on the judgement of others part of what got you in in the first place.
Its good for us to try and advance in our way of thinking during life and part of this involves doing our own research which is not complete until we go to the source of our conflict.
Also if you bring up the point with someone it gives more weight to your argument if mention you wrote to the society and this was their answer.
2. The more poeple that write in with the same points the more difficult it will be for them to hold to an erroneous stand.
The more different people that write the more ways of expresing the point will be heared different ways will make sence to different people.
Remember its not just the same person answering all letters but different people who will have to do research an answer your point, which could make them think.
(This assumes that the society is genuinely mistaken and not corupt, although it could be a bit of both)
Of cource if you do not want hassle off your elders dont tell the society you are a brother/sister or just give a different name ,prehaps you could give the address of your place of work or somewhere else if you don't want to be traced easily.
In my case I just made it sound like I was an intrested person.
Or you could make out that you need some help in presenting the societies case to an intrested person who has quetions.