Never contributed I figured after pioneering and Bethel they owed me. Donation thing sucked. Stopped field service after my Dad the Elder turned me in for seeing the woman who is now my wife. I decided I no longer wanted to take the risk. I mean who knows someone could actually read those magazines I "placed" at not at homes and come into the religion. I would not want to have that on my conscience.
what did you do first
by nytelecom1 15 Replies latest jw friends
Hello All,
I never contributed either; living that JW lifestyle left me broke.
However I just had enough one day and went from pioneering to nothing, no attendance, no service, and little contact. I still believed it was the 'truth' so I spent years trying to get active again, but on some level I knew it was BS so I lived as a fence walker for a number of years. Eventually the Internet set me free so now I have no desire to go back, although sometimes I think of going to the memorial and partaking just for the reaction.
I rarely ever contributed, just put in a little bit occasionally to help with electricity and council rates.
I stopped going witnessing about 2 1/2 years ago. Just couldn't hack it anymore. Even though I still believed in the "truth" at that stage, I felt there was something wrong, and had begun to realise it wasn't me!!
Once I stopped, I couldn't get myself motivated to go out, so I never did.
Jeremy Bravo
I studied for a year and never contributed one red cent.
Life is good. Does that mean that I never really believed all that crap in the first place.....hmmmmmm
Oh my goodness Prisca!! That means that I was associating with you while you were inactive. That does it, I've stumbled myself. harummpfhh!
I'd have to say stopping field service. That's as close as I can come, since really for me when I look back it was more of a series of "stops" in a slow fluid motion culminating in an exit I really wish I could go back and do with more flair.