no problems copying this and passing it on... I received it as an email.
Yes it does bring back some great memories.
LOL Ignoring your parents when they did call you home! I'm guilty as charged. And got "whooped" for it... minor spanking for not being within earshot of my moms voice
Building barbie houses out of cardboard boxes and funiture and bedding out of scraps.
Riding bikes and chasing around the neighborhood shouting "Andale Andale Arriba Arriba!" from that messican mouse.
Brings back a lot of memories... Like when I was 6 and my sister was 8, we had to walk clear across town to go to school, no school busses in those days, and were told that if it started raining, just go on someones porch and stay there until the rain stopped
Shoot, i walked to school in Oregon. If i woulda done that, i woulda been on someone's porch for a week!!