Lets say that there is a "Great Tribulation" in our time, how will the average witness survive it? First of all, they don't even know what it is, or when it will happen. The great tribulation could be a nuclear war or anything man made. Preaching about it won't save them.
Do the Witnesses really know how to survive the "Great Tribulation"?
by JH 15 Replies latest jw friends
in a new york bethel minute
my mom asks me what i'm gonna do when the great tribulation comes. i say, "well what are you gonna do?" she replies, "i don't know but i am sure gonna stay close to the society for instructions." HERE COMES THE KOOL-AID!
Silly rat! Jehovah is going to inclose each JW in their own plastic bubble. This way they will be protected from the tribulation. Like a hamster.
I quit!
I believe they're told to put a bag over their head and count to ten. Preferably a book bag.
Silly rat! Jehovah is going to inclose each JW in their own plastic bubble. This way they will be protected from the tribulation. Like a hamster.
Hope he remembers to make some airholes.
Lets say that there is a "Great Tribulation" in our time, how will the average witness survive it?
Obviously, they're going to all go to the Kingdom Hall and put on aluminium foil hats. Yep, that should do it.
I love the tin hat thing!!
They'll be too busy changing into their perfect outfits for the paradise so they can sit around petting lions and tigers. It'll be hard work to find all those tacky outfits!! And don't forget, they'll have to work on finding the pose that's been in the magazines for decades!!
Biblically, the way to "survive" the tribulation is to submit to martyrdom. Those who seek to preserve their life will lose it, those who lose their life will be saved, etc. In the case of Revelation, if you accept the mark of the Beast, you are dead meat when the Lamb comes in judgment. If you reject the mark, the Beast will put you to death. Guess which group has their names written in the "book of life".
The Society talks about the "great tribulation" as if there are living survivors who don't experience death. Sounds good, but this isn't what Revelation is about. Of course, there is only a very vague notion of what sort of tribulation it is supposed to be in Watchtower pubs.
Wasanelder Once
If you look at all the depictions of the armageddon survivors they are having picnics. ON the table are corel dishes with lids. I think that all we need to do is climb into one of those babies and we'll come through the tribulation just fine.
Dont ya know , we are all going to meet at the book study for futher directions So you had better make sure you are regular there or they wont let you in when it comes...;-)