G'day all,
Sorry 'bout missing out last weekend - things were happening all around us and...well, y'know how it is!
Still, thinking about weekend's like this, how do you feel? What makes you really happy on the weekend? Care to share?
Well, let's get polling again!
This weekend's poll question is...........
What feel-good remedies have you found?
1. Have a good laugh at your dubbie days.
2. Have a good conversation.
3. Meet someone nice on JWD.
4. Have a hot shower.
5. Take a Sunday drive.
6. Drink a chocolate milkshake.
7. Lie in bed and listen to the rain outside.
8. A bubble bath (Mrs Ozzie's fave!)
9. Hold hands with someone you care about.
10. Fish and chips on the beach.
11. Other (please detail)
(Based on an idea in Sydney's Sun-Herald)
So, what makes you feel good? Do share.
and don't forget...
Cheers, Ozzie