Your opinion, please......The publications emphatically state that not only are we supposed to hate the wickedness of a sin---BUT ACTUALLY HATE THE PERSON!!! Does this not violate the law???
Does Disfellowshipping "Incite Hatred", Which Is Against The Law?
by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends
I dont think you could go so far as saying it incites hatred. Alienation of affection yes, but I dont know of any hatred expressed toward myself.
How does the law define Inciting hatred?
I think that's a European law. Here, hate is protected by the first amendment, so are whacky religions.
I would have to say No but I am not DF'd. I just quit going. My brother acts like he hates me and I have seen that type of reaction many times. But the old law incited Hate towards the nations so once again a person with a reasonable mind can see the stupidity that the Law was founded on and see the stupidity of the Witness stand.
Here, hate is protected by the first amendment
CRR, are cross burning legal?
I don't know if DF inciting hatred could be considered "against the law", but it should be. Let's see, how are Witnesses supposed to treat disfellowshipped people? Like they're the Spaw of Satan. You cannot talk to them, greet them, help them or treat them like a fellow human being. You're supposed to look through them as though they don't exist. It tears families apart and this religion encourages it. How many stories do we know of where someone leaves the Borg and suddenly they can no longer see their children or grandchildren? What are the grandkids told? That grandma or grandpa don't love Jehovah anymore and are going to die at Armageddon.
What happens at Witness weddings and/or funerals? If the person who is DF'd shows up, you're treated like shit by all the smug, 'superior' Dubs who are just sooooo "Christ-like" in their loving attitude towards you. You can't go to family reunions or family get togethers and if you walk down the street and see someone from the Hall that you've known all your life, they'll just pretend you're invisible.
If this doesn't fall under the category of "inciting hatred" against your fellow man, I don't know what does.
You wrote: The publications emphatically state that not only are we supposed to hate the wickedness of a sin---BUT ACTUALLY HATE THE PERSON!!! Does this not violate the law???No! Godly hate is exempt from the United States law.
Remember you only have to tell the truth if the person needs to know the truth. Otherwise, it's OK to lie!
fleaman uk
Your opinion, please......The publications emphatically state that not only are we supposed to hate the wickedness of a sin---BUT ACTUALLY HATE THE PERSON!!!
I dont recall any publication actually saying this.
Yes they are, but only if you burn the cross on somebody else's yard. Burning a cross in itself is protected speech, even if it is a display of insecurity.