Here is an opportunity

by gringojj 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • gringojj


  • Honesty

    Before I knew it was too late to call. I was busy with my pagan church affiliation setting up relief efforts for survivors and that takes prcedent over the WT but I will call Friday and let you guys know what the word from the Big Top is.

  • cruzanheart

    I called today. Here's what I posted in another thread:

    I just had an interesting and brief conversation with the Society's news information desk. My, they're a suspicious bunch! I told them that I was doing a freelance article for the Dallas Morning News about relief efforts by various religious groups and I was interested in finding out what Jehovah's Witnesses had organized. I was switched to someone else, I told him the same thing, and he said they were "trying to get some information along those lines" and asked for my name and phone number so he could call me back. I asked him what information he needed to get about the hurricane -- didn't they already have some relief effort going on? He said he'd call me back in a few minutes. I gave him my name and cell phone number.

    I imagine he's checking my credentials right now!

    I waited at least three HOURS before someone called me back.

    Ah, I spoke too soon! Just got off the phone with a rep from the Information Service Department. He carefully told me that they are "still gathering information, trying to find out what's happening" [uh, I think what happened was a hurricane, flood, and general destruction]. He said they would probably eventually have committees set up in the local areas to take care of the needs of Witnesses in the area. I asked him if they helped people other than Witnesses, and he quickly said "oh yes" and referred me to their media web page. He said some Witnesses refugeed to the SuperDome and are being evacuated to Houston where, again, the LOCAL congregations will take charge. I asked if headquarters sent money directly or were the local congregations in charge of their own finances. He gave me a spiel about donating to the WorldWide Bible Education Work and said that any local needs were coordinated through local committees.

    A lot of doubletalk, in my opinion. Well, I'm off to Travis' to pick up his DIRECT CONTRIBUTION to Bubbamar's DIRECT NEEDS and then I'm going to the store too. They can sit up there in their air conditioned offices "gathering information, trying to find out what's happening" -- I'm going to DO something.


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