i'll be off to england for a while, somewhere in the south. anything i shouldn't miss while being there? is it true they don't serve beer after 10:00 pm anymore? what else do i have to keep in mind?
going to england
by googlemagoogle 34 Replies latest jw friends
What part of England are you going to? I didn't notice that they weren't serving beer after 10:00 when I was there. Hell, when I was there, it was still daylight at 10:00 pm.
Have fun. I am so totally envious of you right now.
devon county. it's like a one or two hour flight to london, then like 3 hours by car.
Devon is nice. Very rural. I live in Somerset, the County next to it.
No its not true about the beer thing, last orders is usually 11pm, but you can go to a club till later and in a few months they are bringing in a 24 hour drinks lisence so don't worry.
Devon is lovely, you should have a nice time.
ah, 11 then. still a bit strange, we don't have the "last orders" thing here. driving on the wrong side ;-), last order at 11 pm, anything else?
do they have strange accents there? -
Yeah, you will notice a lot of differnet accents in England, every region has its own distinct accent.
Where are you from?
Are you coming over for a holiday or permanently?
just for holidays, 3 weeks, starting this weekend. i'm from austria, have only been to london for a quick trip, but that's years ago.
If you will be here at the weekend you won't be here for the 24 hour liscencing, never mind, just go to the off lisence and stock up.
I love Austria by the way, I even walked there once, but no it wasn't as impressive as it sounds as the walk started from Cortina in the north of Italy and only took a couple of hours, but it still sounds good.
Hope you enjoy your trip.
what's that licensing about?
did you hike the dolomites? been there, very nice place. not too far from where i live, actually.
yes, i'll enjoy my holiday. and i'm really in need of one.