Announcement: Special Conventions for 2006

by truthseeker 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    It was announced at this week's SM, that next year there will be Special Conventions for 2006.

    Only a "select few" delegates from various countries will be able to go.

    They will be hosted in Europe.

    The qualifications?

    You must currently be a pioneer and have served 15 years OR

    You must be an elder and have served 15 years.

    It was also announced that individuals who are not invited as delegates should not make their own arrangements, as this causes confusion and problems for the Society.

    Nothing was mentioned about the Special Conventions(TM), but I guess they will be regular District Conventions with an extra 1/2 day.

  • Cygnus

    That's either gonna be a rah-rah party, or a yelling and screaming session, or just something to make Joe Publisher say: Wow, that must be IMPORTANT STUFF FROM JEHOVAH. I better do my part better in service to him. Well, that's how it makes me feel anyway.

  • nicolaou

    The qualifications are interesting, they show that you not only survived the 'generation' change in 1995 but you also kept your sprituality ( ) intact.

    This convention has probably been designed to generate unnoficial shepherds and encouragers.....


  • Finally-Free
    It was also announced that individuals who are not invited as delegates should not make their own arrangements, as this causes confusion and problems for the Society.

    All the more reason to do it.


  • truthseeker

    Oops, double post, sorry.

    Here's the original link...

  • blondie

    I wonder if they are targeting countries they are having problems in; Russia, e.g., or France.

  • blondie

    Also, I wonder if JWs with money with be able to circumvent the qualifications?

  • sir82

    Assembly sites (working from memory, so may not be 100% accurate):

    3 in Germany (Munich, Frankfurt, Hamburg)

    1 in Czech republic (Prague)

    2 in Poland (Poznan, Katowice)

    I doubt that it would be easy to "circumvent" the qualifications--the Society will have records of who are the pioneers & elders, & will be able to double-check the number of years serving.

    I don't see how Society would benefit from a group of delegates paying $thousands to the travel agency arranging all this--I think it is, as other posters have commented, a carrot for long-serving pioneers & elders, and a not-so-subtle way to encourage others to sign up for the long term.

  • lawrence

    Now... these would be great places to show up in flocks, all posing as delegates from Scholar's congregation.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    God is discriminating?

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