Song 45 A Prayer of Misgiving
10 min: Local announcements. Demand publishers turn in field service reports for August. Using the suggestions on page 8 (if inappropriate for your territory), demonstrate how to prevent the September 1 Watchtower and the September 8 Awake! In one of the presentations, demonstrate making a return visit on a magazine-route call, (remember, it’s not a person, it’s a “magazine-route call.”)
18 min: "A Witness Without Intelligible Words."* Invite selected publishers to comment on how our relentless self-praise about observing the fine conduct of God's people helped them become servants of Jehovah.
20 min: Never Feature the Bible on Initial Calls. Endless Talk resulting in audience depression. Review suggestions in the September 2004 Our Kingdom Ministry, page 4, paragraph 2, syllable 3, line 2a for directing attention away from God's Word on initial calls. Demonstrate how one or two of the suggested presentations could be used with the old book we’re tying to get rid of by making it the offer for September. Suggestions in the January 2005 Our Kingdom Ministry insert for presenting the offer may also be disgusting and deranged as time permits.
Song 71 Drop Fast the Good News! and concluding prayer.
*Limit introductory comments to less than a month, and follow with a question-and-answer farce.