Mulan and Seeker4 got me thinking in the previous thread called 'what did you do first?...'.
They both made the point that they were turning in reports when not going out on field service (tsk, tsk!) And I remembered the times I 'cooked the books' a little and rounded up the figures, fiddled my time a little, counting time when it was not proper ministry. Confession time eh?!
Anyway, if I did it and others do or did it, it makes me wonder just how accurate these figures are that come out of the WTS every year. They are obviously going to be very inflated - but by how much?
Also how many of the 6 million publishers are truly publishers in the WTS sense of the word. How many of these just claim 1 hour a month just so that they can be included in the figures? And as for hours spent in the field service - it would be fascinating to get an accurate figure for that too. And bible study figures - how accurate are those? How many of these bible studies are just chats over the fence with the man next door?? Or family bible studies with the kids and wife??
Would be nice to get a true picture of what is going on in the society without all the exaggerations.