Governor Kathleen Blanco said: "We need to pray, of course, very strong...

by IronGland 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • IronGland
    The hurricane is just a product of nature. Our world is evolving constantly around us. How can we get mad at our world? What are we going to do, punish it?

    It wouldn't suprise me if Bush decided to bomb W. Africa for harboring the storms that develop into hurricanes.

  • voltaire

    Now that the hurricane has veered off course, I'm sure that you all feel a little foolish for being so cynical. After so many prayers from the good people of Louisiana, God has decided to smite Mississippi (in part no doubt for the diifficulty of spelling the word 'Mississippi'), or is it Alababma? I hope his geography is better than mine!

  • Kenneson


    I would rather He show you mercy, than unleash His wrath upon you. But, of course, all these arrogant remarks, could result in chastisement. I know you won't worry, since you don't believe He exists. Who knows? Maybe one day you will call upon Him. Hope He isn't inactive when that happens.

    God spares whom He wills and chastises whom He wills. If you have problems with it, take it up with God. But by challenging His existence, maybe He will challenge yours?????????????But you're not worried yet.

    God doesn't have to answer to any of your arrogant and defiant unbelieving remarks. That's why He's God and you're not.

  • defective light
    defective light


    I know there is a God because He hasn't blown you away. It strengthens my belief in Him.

    If complete lack of action on God's part strengthens your faith you will never be disapointed. ROTFLMAO ! gotta luv it!

  • IronGland

    Well Kenneson i'm glad the almighty has you to defend him. Put in a good word for IG next time you guys are hanging out.

  • Kenneson


    You probably need to get your faulty light fixed. I really think God is going to have the last laugh.

  • Kenneson


    God is quite capable of defending Himself. Do you wish to challenge Him?

  • defective light
    defective light

    You probably need to get your faulty light fixed. I really think God is going to have the last laugh.


    Still...ROTFLMAO.... Harder!

  • Kenneson


    No, not whatever. Rather, whenever.

    Let him who thinks he is "wise" in his own eyes, beware.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Well, the storm did get weaker.
    Hitting land tends to have that affect on hurricanes.

    True, but it got weaker before it hit land and it turned towards a less populated area. So, I'm sure they feel god answered their prayers. My comment wasn't made to back up Kathleen Blanco. It's just a fact. It went down from category 5 to 4 and it turned to a less populated area. Still did plenty of damage to New Orleans and every place in its path though.

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