Someone mentioned that since postcards are so quickly read information can be processed by the JW mind before they realise it is from a source that is not pro JW. Have any of you here had any experience sending postcards containing delightful words of truth about the troof?
Have You Witnessed To JW's With Postcards?
by Honesty 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
Deputy Dog
Yea, I found some good ones at the Blue Mountain Christian Retreat last year!
No, but I am considering it. I would never send a pre-printed post card. It would have to be my own words or nothing.
Deputy Dog said:
Yea, I found some good ones at the Blue Mountain Christian Retreat last year!
What was on them? did you get any responses/feedback from them? -
Same old shit.
Same old shit.
Forgive me if I'm taking you the wrong way but...
"Same old shit" to you may be "new shit" to someone else.
It's the "same old shit" in the sense of the compulsive need to proselytize and the assumed efficacy of such evangelism.
Pardon me I was simply asking about it as I have never heard about that before. I find it intriguing. Personally I am not the type to compulsively proselytize but this just caught my interest. But your entitled to your "same old shit" opinion.
the postcards do not necessarily have to include "proselytizing" contents. what about issues like 607, the UN, some questions about the blood issue or just the link to silentlambs?
Given how tense things are between me and my folks, someone at work suggested I buy a bunch of pre-stamped postcards from the post office and send one a day to my parents. That way, I get to deal with the "you're not initiating contact with us so you must hate us" situation without getting a guilt trip over the phone when I hear how pained my mother is to hear my voice.
Somehow, I think they'd resent postcards more.