Why No Knocking ???

by Jeannine 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Cygnus

    When I was young, I was told that I could leave literature at folks' houses if it was old and people were not home. Otherwise it was compulsory to ring the bell or knock

    Same thing for early morning landrymat witnessing. If you spoke to somebody you could count a placement if you flipped them onto a counter. If you just left them without a word, you don't get any statisical addition to report.

  • willyloman
    He's using you to build his stats.

    Next, he'll leave a handwritten letter with the magazines. That way, he can count the time he spent writing the letter as well as the time he spent driving to your house, dropping off his little offerings, and driving back home. This is called the "pioneer pace" in the JW world. It's a way of counting time. At the end of the month, they turn in a report to the local congregation, outlining the number of hours spent in "service" and the number of books and magazines they "placed." This report is used to determine the level of spirituality of the individual. In turn, the level of "spirituality" determines promotions within the ranks.

  • misspeaches

    Hi Jeannine and welcome! :)

    You asked:

    why wouldn't the JWs that hang around with this guy be the ones to walk up our steps considering this guy has such a hard time walking? He is always with a few JWs that wait in the car while he struggles to get up the stairs. Not all disabled people want help and I understand that allowing them to be independant brings dignity to them. However, I was wondering if there was also some JW rule that the one who "finds" the house must also be the one who keeps walking up the stairs.
    There is no rule as such how it works is this. The person who intially starts calling on the person assumes some type of ownership on that house. They will let everyone know that is their return visit. This is to stop anyone else calling there. The reason for that is at the end of each month the JW must fill out a report of their activities. This should include how many hours they spent out, how many return visits they made, how much literature was placed with non JW's and how many bible studies were conducted. They are constantly counselled on having return visits, getting a certain amount of hours, placing books, mags etc. They tend to get really narky about their return visits and not letting other people call there. I've seen witness ladies have full on screaming matches because someone called on someone elses return visit.
  • littlerockguy

    Back when I was a witness I actually thought that I was taking part in the "seperating work" and I thought that I may just actually be guided by the angels to help save someone's life but not all that went out in FS looked at it that way. If you are not in it for that reason why waste yours and everybody else's time?

  • Jeannine

    Willyloman (BTW, I love Death of a Salesman ! ),

    This guy has already left handwritten notes !! LOL. He writes on little pieces of scrap paper, "Dear XXXXX, I stopped by today to see how you were doing. I am having a harder time walking as days go by. I might need to go into the hospital. I have left you a copy of some material ("What Does The Bible Really Say?") and I have underlined some things that I would like for you to read. You will see where we are in this system of things and how close we are to the end. I will come by next Saturday if I am not hospitalized" That is the last note he left. So, it is funny that you mentioned that I should expect him to start leaving notes.

  • steve2
    What is going on?

    Good question. JWs depend on your lack of assertiveness to keep coming back. How dare he leave his Watchtower droppings on your property!

    Once is understandable.

    Twice is of concern.

    But three or more times? The problem is now yours to solve.

    The solution: Ask the JW directly the question you raised above and then tell him to stop doing it.

    The choice is: feed into the lack of assertiveness upon which the Watchtower industry thrives or politely but firmly assert yourself.

  • Jeannine

    Steve2, thanks, but the issue is that my husband is really the one that was talking to the guy. I never, ever, ever talk to the guy. When he was literally "knocking" I would refuse to open the door and talk to him if I was home alone. However, if my husband was home, he would often open the door. My husband says he "feels bad" leaving the guy on the doorstep knocking. So, hubby use to be the poor soul that got stuck talking to the JW, not me. I'd run into my office for safety and shut the door. If I took your advice Steve2 (which is good advice), I would end up telling a guy that has never spoken a word to me personally to "bug off". I suppose I could do that. I just wish my husband was a rude enough person to tell this JW to take his mags and leave our house alone. What a friggin annoyance. Don't JWs realize that people work hard all week and just want to relax in their pajamas on Saturday mornings? Thankfully, this guy doesn't physically knock anymore and just leaves those magazines. But, when he use to knock, man, oh man....he would knock early in the morning on a Saturday before I even had my first cup of coffee. Do these people have any sense or courtesy at all?

    By the way, outside of my house I fly the American flag at ALL TIMES and I currently have a political sign for an upcoming election outside of my house. Doesn't this tell this JW guy that our views and his views are worlds apart?

  • Ingenuous

    I'd only do that if I was afraid to talk to the householder and/or afraid to get a "No thanks." Leaving material without knocking would allow me to avoid dealing with the householder yet count the time/placements. The underlining is weird, but, again, it would allow me to make a point without actually having to deal with anyone and a possible refusal. It seems he hopes that your husband will be impressed by the highlighted ideas and ask him for a study/discussion.

  • Poztate

    Try leaving a garbage can by your front door.On it you could print....Please deposit all religious materials here.

  • garybuss

    Welcome Jeannine,
    It's an interesting group to watch. There are all kind of fanatical radicle true believers who take all the publishing company's writings dead serious. Some of my relatives are like the Jehovah's Witness man at your door. If you treat them like they are mildly retarded, you will not be far from the mark.
    The reason the man is doing a hit and run at your door is he senses the interest and maybe his welcome is waning. This way he gets to mark the field service report sheet with literature placements. This is good for his acceptance in the group and he may be feeling he is earning his salvation from being murdered by Jehovah at Armageddon.
    I hope you and your husband are immune to the group's tactics. There's a pretty good chance this man might turn your name and address over to a real recruiter. If that happens, the recruiter will not hit and run.

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