I remember when I was a JW creationist I thought of all sorts of "But have they thought about....?" questions for evolutionists. "Have evolutionists thought about why, if we evolved from monkeys, there are still monkeys?" "Have they thought about how asexual plants and animals could evolve?" "Have they thought about why humans are the ONLY species which is conscious of itself?" "Have they....???" And on and on and on.
Short answer: They have. I thought I was "sooo smart" for seemingly being able to ask "imponderable" questions that some PhD in biology from Oxford must have missed. Boy was I wrong.
Why don't people just do themselves a favor and do some research on the internet from one of the great sites on evolution such as www.talkorigins.com (or is it .org?)? Yes, r-e-s-e-a-r-ch. These types of questions have been asked and very good naturalistic explanations are out there.