September KM, page 1 - U.S. Branch Letter
Dear Kingdom Publishers:
With the start of the new service year, there are 9 new circuits in the United States branch territory, making a total of 41 new circuits in the last five years. Of these, 22 are Spanish, 11 are English, and 8 are other languages. The United States branch territory now comprises 580 circuits and 45 districts.
Oustanding work is being done to spread the good news in Bermuda and the Turks and Caicos islands, which are part of the United States branch territory. The 679 publishers serving on these islands conduct an average of 536 Bible studies each month, and their Memorial attendance of 1,385 was more than twice the number of publishers.
At Wallkill, visitors have been coming in record numbers to see the completed printery addition. After visiting for the first time, one older sister said: "This tour was awe-inspiring! I have so much to tell the brothers back home. If Jehovah is willing I plan to come back every year."
The printery expansion and other Bethel construction projects were accomplished, thanks to the help of more than 1,500 Regional Building Committee volunteers. A brother overseeing the construction work stated: "The willingness of those invited has been encouraging, and their experience has been a tremendous asset. We sincerely appreciate their help."
We would also like to express our gratitude to the many thousands of brothers and sisters who came from 45 states to assist those whose homes were damaged or destroyed by the hurricanes that struck Florida. How privileged we are to be a part of a loving Christian brotherhood! - 1 Pet. 2:17.
All this zealous activity in advancing Kingdom interests is commendable! Your generous financial support of the work is also very much appreciated. (Prov. 3:9,10) May Jehovah continue to bless our united efforts to "serve for the praise of his glory." -Eph. 1:12
Your brothers,
U.S. Branch Office