Now I Know !!!!!

by Apostanator 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Apostanator

    I am somewhat taken back. After 10 years of my sister refusing to tell me where she lived, I got a message on my answering machine from my brother ( who I haven't talked to in years ) saying that Ma has moved in with my sister and gave me the adress. WOW, I am honored! What could have happenned that led to the receiving of this privilaged information? Well, my mom is slowly dying. She has Alzeimers and I think my sister doesn't want to prevent any of the siblings from seeing her in her final years. She wouldn't want It to bother her conscience. They view me as one of Satan's Agents and I just don't understand why my sister would want me there. A lover of righteousness and one of Satan's Agents in the same room together? She has a lot of explaining to do!!!

    Just venting. Thanks Apostanator

  • Legolas

    Sorry to hear about your mom But forget the rest go and spend time with your mom!

  • Ellie

    Its sad that its taken these circumstances for your family to get in touch with you but maybe some good can come out of it, you should visit your mum and see what happens.

  • banished1

    Yeah, just go and see your mom. This is important before she gets sicker.
    Best wishes.

  • Valis

    eh Apostanator at least you didn't get a bannanagram...

    hope you get to see your mom...Take care and let us know how it goes....

  • delilah

    Take advantage of the situation, and enjoy as much time with your mother as you can. I know what it's like to not know where your sibling lives. My brother and his wife have moved(yet again) and we know not where they live nor their phone number. Makes me sick, as I'm not DF'd or DA'd. Good luck....


  • dedpoet

    Go for it Apostanator, never mind what your sister thinks of you, just enjoy your time with your mum

  • coffee_black

    So sorry to hear that. Go see her...not for your siblings...but for yourself...and your mom.


  • hubert

    Sorry to hear about your Mom, Apostanator.

    Go see her, and avoid your sister, if you have to, and if you can.


  • Es

    Sorry bout your mum...but like everyone else says go and see your mum be the bigger person at least you wont be the ones to feel regret. All the best es

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