Send greetings to kwintestal and heart2heart

by Scully 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • myself

    (((((((((((kwin & heart2heart)))))))))))

    Have a safe journey!

  • crazyblondeb

    Hugs to all you guys. Hope your trip was good!!!

    love ya-shelley

  • arwen

    Greeting to Kwin and Heart2Heart..have a safe trip home and hope to meet you soon in person....I don't know how to do all that fancy computer stuff with hugs and animation but I'll give you a real hug when I see you guys this weekend...

  • stillajwexelder

    Greetings most favored ones, the lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the possible fruit of thy womb. Holy sisters pray for me and at the hour of my death. Amen

  • prophesariah

    Hi kwin & h2h,

    Enjoy your meal and fellowship with Scully.

    We will be praying for your safety as you continue on your journey home.


    LOS & Art

  • mouthy

    {{{ tightly give DocBob a warm hug }}}

    Yes I want to do that also DOCBOB are you going to PA?

    Hope Kwin & heart2 are home by now scully???? ARE THEY?????

  • Scully


    we asked them to stay overnight since it was threatening rain and there's nothing worse than driving in the rain, except for driving in the rain at night....

  • mouthy

    Thanks Scully let us know when they get in touch to say how it went. I would LOVE to meet you (HUG)

  • Scully

    kwintestal, heart2heart and their little ones got on their way a little while ago. I'm so glad they spent the night... it's been raining since about 1 am or so! We really enjoyed their visit! They've got a long drive ahead as they make their way to meet Vicki for dinner tonight. Hope it goes fast!

  • talesin

    Do you know when they plan on arriving? Does this mean they will be a day late? It would be helpful to know ...

    Jeezz, I feel like a mushroom. (j/k)


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