Re my post yesterday, where I quit my job last week, I just emailed my boss begging for my job back. Am I absolutely tapped?!! I think I'm going crazy & my husband is going to kill me. He spent all last night trying to work out how to live on $3 a week!
just begged for my job back
by JW83 16 Replies latest jw friends
Well that is a surprise!! Why the change of heart?
Do you think you'll get it back?
It isn't really a change of heart - both decisions are wrong, & I just have to decide which one is more wrong!!! Does that make sense?! The grim reality of living without earning money is just awful ... Of course I thought of that before I left, but now it's here it's awful ...
I haven't heard back - they are very forgiving at that place, but who knows? There really wasn't the work there for me anyway, although the boss didn't realise ... I just need it for another 6 months.
I'm up the proverbial creek either way!
Thanks for letting my vent, forum! :)
Best of luck however it goes. 6 months isn't really all that long. It will have flown by before you know it.
6 months will just fly on by. Perhaps if you do get the job back you can talk to your boss about some changes in your hours or work assignments to make it more appealing?
I didn't see your other post, did you quit without thinking it through? I've done that before when I've been really mad about work situations, well that and the fact that sometimes I can be very impulsive. But don't stress out about it too much, things have a way usually of working out. And even if you don't get that job back, maybe a different job will come along which you really love. Keep us posted!
You are working with limited resources. Do something before you wear out. If you wear out, your family is sunk! So don't ignore the signs, change something. I speak from twenty years experience as a single parent. I suggest you put it all down on paper, you and your hubby, and work it out together. Make three sheets, time, money, expenses.
Make a timeline for a typical week. Write down all you do; eat, sleep, chores, commute, work, leisure, time with baby, study, etc. Compare yours with the link below. You can't increase or decrease time. Are there any time wasters that don't include leisure, time with your baby, time for you? Can you cut on commute time, or double up (he drives, you study?). Here's a link with all kinds of time-management tips.
Take a record of money coming in, money going out. If you don't have much control over money coming in, what can get cut? You can trim the food bill with some energy and creativity. Beans are cheap. And potatoes. For the energy, see my paragraph above. I think your energy resources are running low, and you definitely need to address that!
Thanks, I'll definitely look at the links!
JW83, you are going through a tough time. Now whether you work or not at your old job depends upon your boss' mercy. But what are you going back to?? Something you said you disliked I think I remember.
I hated my old job so much. I liked the customers and I liked the work, but the bosses were awful women. And the girls they surrounded themselves with were mean. The whole bunch should have worked in a correctional facility instead of a dept. store. My husband saw how unhappy I was and how many weekends and nights they were adding to my schedule on top of the mistreatment. He let me quit to pursue something else.
That was 6 months ago.
Getting away from that oppressive work situation was a great relief. I have been able to concentrate on the home and on him and some hobbies. I actively look for suitable work during the week. I even earned a couple of paychecks doing some work for a neighbor and helping my husband on his job for a day when his partner was sick.
My point is this: Sometimes that second paycheck isnt worth it if it causes grief of some kind in the household. Today everyday the house is clean and dinner is waiting for my husband. All his shirts are clean and hung. And he loves this! I work in my garden and play with my animals. I get out my cello and practice. I visit the library to increase my knowledge. It was during this sabbatical from work that I found this website---by chance!
At first it was something I apologized for----not working. But now as I see us a more happy family I stopped apologizing. Just this morning I emailed back a prospective employer. They want me to come into town and fill out an application. I will. But if the job tips the balance again away from happy family life I will quit it again in favor of peace of mind over a fuller wallet.
Just my peaceful thoughts. -
Echoing jgnat's comments re your energy. She has given some sound advice there, too.
now,,, < breathe in, breathe out > ,,, you will find a way.