Is being a Witness really so bad? Is religion bad in general?

by jwfacts 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • peacefulpete

    I am of the opinion that if a person who becomes disillusioned with a particular sect/cult 'needs' a religion for companionship and structure, he will find another very quickly. If rather he was acting out of earnest conviction of duty, he will become an asset to any movement he aligns himself with and will likely not be attracted to religion for it's own sake. I think we sell people short. Most people in a high control environment secretly long for change, are afraid to act upon it, but when forced by life to face reality, adapt quite well. I agree that it is pointless and unkind to keep correcting an aging person facing senility. Or likewise unkind to question and correct an aging person's life choices when it is too late to do anything about them. If anyone asks a question however, and we have reason to believe they are hurting from the distress this causes, we owe them a clear compassionate truthful response.

  • ozziepost
    If anyone asks a question however, and we have reason to believe they are hurting from the distress this causes, we owe them a clear compassionate truthful response.

    Very well expressed, Pete!

  • Soledad

    Yes to both questions, IMO

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Is being a Witness really so bad?

    Well, I suppose there's that simple family who were late for sport one Saturday morning, when they had the "knock", then the fear - then no more time for sport, or education, or their demon filled and pagan household items, or their children's individuality (one of whom just died from a simple blood deficiency, and the other one that they don't talk about anymore who must be possessed) - but hey, jerhovah will provide more kids, that's what 'love tm' is for.

    Is religion bad in general?

    Depends on what it leads you to do to people.

  • inquirer

    Religion in general is a bad thing. All religions have got doctrinal problems, problems with paedophiles and are caught up with silly traditions that mean nothing.

    But your family (just like everyone else) should 1 John 4:1 Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world.

    One of the best Scriptures in the Bible! That Scripture says it all!

    I am sorry, but my opinion has been spoilt because I use to be a JW. I hope I don't influence anyone in a bad way. I always try to give my opinions on this message board and help people as much as possible.

  • inquirer

    JW's are obsessed with the truth about getting things 110% right. And it's important to know the truth about "the truth." Because I think the REAL TRUTH is important. If you are a Christian, it's very important to follow the Bible AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE! We should be dragging people away from organized Christianity, because they don't follow the Bible probably -- none of them do! How many religious brands have "church houses" like in the first century...? They all have "church buildings." There's a book on this from a guy from Macquarie university in Sydney who wrote a book about this subject I should get this book one day!

    I use to for so long believed the JW's were so right. It's amazing what a little research can do for you. And thanks to people on this site that gave me the wake up call.

  • LittleToe

    Inq:Just a few more thoughts for you, which are of course IMHO:

    If you are a Christian, it's very important to follow the Bible AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE!

    Is it? Is that really what the Christian faith is about? I agree that it's all about "the Word", but I would suggest that "the Word" being spoken of is Christ, not the book. I would further suggest that if it's doctrine and teachings that you want an emphasis on, then you do no better than consider the two laws concerning loving God, neighbour and self. If these were applied consistently, the rest would merely be commentary.

    Because I think the REAL TRUTH is important.

    Again, if you are refering to Christ as the "Truth", then I can't disagree. If you're suggesting that it's a book or religion, you may be barking up the wrong tree.

    How many religious brands have "church houses" like in the first century...?

    Quite a few. They are now called "cell churches". The Chinese church is especially rife with them, through necessity.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I must agree with LittleToe's comments on this one - My personal favorite scripture on the matter is John 14:6 "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one come to the Father except through me."

    Jesus Christ is Truth and Life and of course the Word. Religious groups that give emphasis to this [that of course does not include JW] can aid one on the path to a relationship with Jesus, IMO. But it is far from neccessary that one is part of organized religion to accept Christ.

    Christianity is about a relationship with Jesus Christ, not with religion. Some may find comfort in religion. Some may have emotional ties to religion. Sometimes this may actually detract one's attention away from a personal relationship.

    As far as staying in a delusion, I don't see how that is positive at all. The exception may be those, as mentioned, who have reached the final stages of human life. What is the point of toppling thier lives at that point?


  • dh

    yes & yes, in my mind both jw's & religion in general are primitive schools of thought, and we humans are capable of much better.

  • mrsjones5

    well all I know is it wasnt much fun growing up in it

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