I'd love to know how JWs explain the discovery of 6000+ year old remnants of cavemen? I mean, they can explain dinosaurs, but what to they say about the prehistoric men? I'd ask my JW father, but I want to be prepared first....
Cave men?
by Lilycurly 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
get ready to hear him call them "false stories", thanks to the stupid district convention.
If there's concrete proof that it's a man and not a monkey, they'll claim the methods used to determine its age are subject to error. If it didn't have tools nearby, or an obvious campsite, or something else that would identify it as human, they'll claim it's a species of monkey/ape/whatever.
For those that want to learn, there's lots to explore. For those that want to BELIEVE, there's lots to ignore.
My experience - 6000 years is acceptable, and as I recall from the 'Evolution' book (I think) - the Society dismisses carbon-dating as being massively inaccurate.
Any difference in the skeletons of 'cavemen' and present day living will be explained as arthritis or similar.
So they really do beleive that those found with tools and all are not as old as the scientists say they are? That's just putting your head in the sand, imo, how can they contradict what specialist say without any proof of the contrary? If my dad tries to tell me that, I'll just look at him with disbeleif written all over my face, mouth hanging and all, and say "whaaat?!"
That's kind of pathetic, I thought they would have thought a better argument against them. Defd, any opinion?
The timeline is another question- if God created men and they were obviously intelligent and had a society of sorts, where do cavemen fit in? The first people had a history, Cain was worried others would kill him, etc... Yet there are cave drawings, fossils, and so on that would indicate some loss of intelligence from the first human beings? Or simply 'another tribe' that wasn't as advanced as other human beings? Just how do cavedwellers fit in?
Also the cave paintings etc must date after the flood,otherwise wouldn't they have been washed away?
They point to the frauds that have been uncovered in the past, and say,,, just wait, carbon dating will be exposed as a plot to prove evolution.
He'll probably say something like the 'way' the date things is not correct ...etc (carbon dating)
Better yet ask him about Neanderthals and the Hobbits It has been proven with out doubt that they had fire, burried their dead, made tools and for all account looked like us and acted like us. Ask him why GOD create so many humans and then only keep us?
They will go around the cave men making every excuse and will believe their own excuses believing in their mind that you are so dumb to really think that we came from the cave men. But they can't get around the Neanderthal and the Hobbits as quickly because the Society is void in talking about them.