I Googled some different religion home pages this morning to see how some religions/churches were responding to the disaster on the Gulf Coast.
All the ones that I checked, Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian all made mention of the disaster and had already started some relief efforts. The Cathoic Church has its own relief website, catholicrelief.org where various relief efforts around the world are listed. (One interesting one is that the Catholic Church is teaming with the Mormons to bring food to Niger)
A check of the official WT site and its sister site, the JW media site, makes no mention of the disaster let alone any relief funding or donation arrangements. I know that they will set up some relief efforts but it will be regional JWs who give time, money, materials to fix and repair fellow JW homes and the damaged/destroyed Kingdom Halls.
Is their silence because they wish to allow their actions speak for themselves? Or, is their silence because, quite frankly, they aren't concerned with the non-JWs who are affected by the hurricane/floods? Could it be they are concerned with getting KHs repaired and the local JWs taken care of only(so they can continue to donate time/money back to the org)? Are they more cold-hearted than many of the big corporations who are donating time and money to relief efforts? Is it possible for an organization that claims to follow the footsteps of Jesus and speak for God to be so cold-hearted and uncaring so as to not even mention the victims on their website or in their prayers?