crime statistics and roe vs. wade connection?

by onintwo 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • onintwo

    Stepdaughter came home from first day of school. At dinner she presented an idea she'd heard. Goes something like this: During the seventies and eighties the crime rate was still on the rise. But by the nineties crimes statistics dropped. That's about the time that the results of more readily available abortions would be kicking in. (from the roe vs. wade decision)

    Unwanted babies generally receive less nurturing. Less nurturing, more mal-adjusted kids. Which equals more crime. So...the argument goes, women that aborted unwanted babies unwittingly slowed the crime rate.

    Not saying I buy all of this, but have others heard of this?


  • schne_belly

    Yep - Read the book Freakenomics, its a theory the author presents.

    Interesting take.

  • onintwo

    So, it's a book? Do you recall the author? Does it seem to be valid?


  • schne_belly

    Freakonomics : A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything (Hardcover)

    by Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner

    Couple of interesting takes - he compares how the KluKluxKlan and Real Estate agents are similar. Asks the question - does your name have anything to do with how successful you will be in life?, if drug dealers are so rich, why do they all live with their mothers.

  • SixofNine

    It's exactly what you would expect the numbers to show.

  • upside/down
    upside/down born in the 90's are how old?

    How come crime didn't go up during the Great Depression?

    Values have nothing to do with your income...

    When rugged individualism was the norm...people knew the rules and consequences for their actions...and proceeded accordingly.

    Now "the media" and the lawyers have convinced the masses that NOTHING is your fault and there is no "bad", and everything is open to interpretation...especially what's "right" and what's "wrong"... Today modern Americans are raised in an environment of entitlement...and if you do get yourself into a's SOMEONE'S responsibility to not only help you out...but to shield you from the consequences and go so far as to let you do it again...even ENABLE you to do so.

    There's something to be said for "old-fashioned values" (not religion)...

    u/d(of the not PC class)

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    But I have always thought that the poor have kept their babies, and the better off had had abortions.

    I typed the above line 5 minutes ago. Am I saying that the poor are the only ones that abuse their children? A middle class family, is just as likely to abuse and neglect a child as a poor or even a rich family.

    Is this what they call profiling? Help me HL

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    U/D he is saying that if you had an abortion, say in 1977, when it was readily available, that in the ninetys, that child would have been a teenager and young adult. Crime rates were down in the ninetys. So my would be hoodlam child, did not break into your house, because I had an abortion. HL

  • horrible life
    horrible life
    Values have nothing to do with your income...

    I definitly agree. On our posts yesterday, You were saying about looting, at least leave an IOU. It seemed from what I read, from those who responed to the looting, we were the only ones who felt this way. Only one poster said she would probably come back later to pay.

    So it all goes back to values. HL

    Edited to add. OMG No I'm not better than any body who would loot to feed your babies. Please don't jump on me.

  • upside/down

    From what I've studied about crime can't trust them...

    There are so many ways the governments mislead with statisics...example- Rapes are down! (but we only count those reported and those of consenting legal age...) this is very misleading. It is a common tactic used by local and national leaders that are running for re-election or trying to gain support for their cause...

    Almost everything imaginable now has a lock on it...

    For the majority of human existance...this WASN'T the case...go figure.

    u/d(of the hates keys class)

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