Free2beme, I find your comment to be highly offensive.
Where is the outrage?
by schne_belly 41 Replies latest jw friends
I think most of the worlds population would prefer that America did just that. Stay home...but
This does not address the terrible siuation in the South of your country. Help is being offered. It is not a time for egos to get in the way. President Bush needs to be willing to except help from outside, especially from friendly nations, which there are quite a few. Might be a time to heal some wounds with Europe eh?
How about some air drops of basic needs, food, water, until they can evac.
One minute of silence in Cuba for Katrina victims
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba's parliament, led by President Fidel Castro, set aside politics momentarily on Thursday and stood for one minute in silent homage to the victims of Hurricane Katrina -- before quickly returning to normal business and condemning the U.S. occupation of Iraq.
"The whole world should feel that this tragedy is its own," National Assembly speaker Ricardo Alarcon said.
"The news pained and saddened Cubans. In their name, we wish to express our profound solidarity with the people of the United States, state and local authorities and the victims of this catastrophe," Alarcon added. -
I wonder where proplog is. New Orleans = Babylon the Great?
Despite the doom-mongering, isolationistic victims of paranoia (the rest of the world won't help us, boo-hoo, they hate America), it would seem that International aid is indeed being offered and actually supplied to the USA.
Although certain Americans LOVE to act the victim, it isn't justified in this situation.
Of course, the fact that with the tsunami we were dealing with 173,906 ... DEAD... (Ilatest estimate), that we were dealing with developing countries with no real ability to help themselves... that we were dealing with a situation where Internatoional help was really really needed, that the scale of the disaster was far worse, hell all these facts seem to escape some people.
Some people apparently feel that the richest, most powerful country in the world, deserves the same level of disaster relief as Sri Lanka or Indonesia, for a less serious disaster.
I would suggest they engage the services of a proctologist to remove their head from their ass. The loss of life and suffering caused by the hurricane is obviously terrible. But to use such a situation to make false or ignorant claims that the rest of the world is doing nothing is pretty pathetic, and the lack of perspective is jaw-dropping
America is getting aid. Stop the whining. Look at how the delivery of aid is being handled by your elected officials;
I think your outrage should be at how slow your governments and NGOs are moving on this, and it's not for lack of funds either.
My mother is a born&raised Shreeport girl. I have known all of my life that the leeves needed to be replaced. 30 million dollars has been taken from that project over the last 5 years to go to the war in Iraq. It simply was not funded.
Help is on it's way but no one wanted to believe this was going to happen. Well, it's here and it did and we have to get help to those who need it. Finger pointing will come much later when the political parties are shown for what they are. Blow hards that ran one of the most corrupt cities in the nation. If any of you are familar with New Orleans you know that the entire area around the French Quarter is ghetto. The average income is just above 17k a year and most live below the poverty level. Most people don't own cars.
Been there-heard that for my 37 years and my mother for her 73 and so on. There shouldn't be any finger pointing at other nations for not helping. We are one of the richest nations in the world and this is a disgrace.
That being's too bad that the looters are the only thing being shown. It brings out our best and our worst. Looters should be shot. I shake my head in disgrace and sadness at the inhumanity.
Let the looters loot....
Anyone wasting time tracking down looters at this point should be shot themselves. Getting people out of there should be first priority.