Let's do a little exercise:
If the generation that saw 1914 will not die before Armageddon, as specifically stated by the Prophet Class (the Faithful and Discreet Slave, per current understanding), how many are left?
I'll be generous and say that a nine year old could grasp the sharp 1914 changes JWs cleave to...well, cleave to religiously, I suppose.
According to the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, World Population Prospects: The 2004 Revision, accessed online at esa.un.org/unpp, Sept. 1, 2005, there are about 265,000 persons age 100 or older (that is, who were alive in 1905) in 2005. In other words, world-wide there are fewer from the "generation" that saw 1914 than many city populations in the U.S. alone.
Now, suppose for the sake of ludicrous forebearance, we say that the Prophet Class is allowed a Mulligan (a concept flatly disallowed by Deuteronomy 18:20-22 and 1 John 4:1). Let's say it is the identifying characteristics of the generation that would not pass away.
How much do you have in common with those 50 years older than you, when it comes to "identifying characteristics?" Gender, perhaps. Likely you both have hair, although it probably grows from differing places. You might even both enjoy the occasional candied yam.
What about those who are 9 years old today? How much do they really have in common, in the way of "identifying characteristics" with someone 90 years older?
I'm sure you can probably guess the point. Aside from traits that are common to all humans no matter which point in time you look to, a 9-year-old has nothing whatsoever in common with a 90-year-old.
So, the generation that saw 1914 is dead no matter which way you shave the hairs. That "generation of identifying characteristics" has been dead for longer than the physical generation. Technology killed it. Television killed it. NASA nailed the coffin shut. MTV buried it. Thought some might benefit from this.