I just spoke with Bubbamar on the phone. She is fine - staying here in Dallas with her girlfriend Dee. You may have read in Bryan's thread that they could use a little help. I am trying to round up some cash to pay for a few supplies: chainsaw, gloves, ropes, wench straps (sp?), water, power bars, toilet paper, toiletries, etc. They only have a few days worth of clothes, so I've got a few people here willing to share some clothes their sizes. She has a friend in town that is allowing her use of their laundry to clean clothes and pantry to eat. Their plan is to go find her step-mom, step-mom's sister and son. I am trying to round up a few outfits for them as well. If you can donate just a few dollars or might have some clothes, bedding, etc. to sacrifice, please PM me and let me know. I can give you the appropriate size of clothing they're looking for. I will be shopping this afternoon for supplies...I just need help paying for them.
Can you help?