I had no idea where to put this. Well, today is my first day in a very new town. I just moved from Poughkeepsie, NY to Hatfield, PA. I only know a few people here in town and I don't have a job yet. It was exciting at first. It still is, in a way. But my boyfriend's gone to work, I don't have a car, and the panic is completely setting in. Does anyone have any advice for me? The good news is, my father is extremely supportive, my brother isn't happy about the move but loves me with all his heart, and my boyfriend is absolutely amazing. I couldn't have asked for better. But I'm so scared. I do have an interview tomorrow, which is exciting, I just feel so overwhelmed. Has anybody been where I am?
Living in a new area...again
by Chia 11 Replies latest social relationships
Walk down to the corner gas station and buy a pint of ice cream, then go back home and curl up in front of the TV so you can watch Spongebob Squarepants on nickelodeon all day.
LOL...so enjoy not working while it lasts, huh? As long as it's Haagen Daas Vanilla Swiss Almond...that's my favorite! As for cartoons, I loved old school "Jonny Quest".
I moved out of home and 6000 miles away when I was 18. It was very scary but exciting at the same time.
As tempting as sponge bob is, I always need to check out the neighbourhood.There must be a library near by or at least a good second hand bookstore.
Best of luck with your job interview!!
Yeah, get out of the house and explore, if it is a nice day. Wave at the neighbours. Tell a funny to the merchant at the local convenience store. You are sure to run in to someone lonelier than you. Is the house too quiet? Turn on the radio. I can't live in a quiet house.
I went through when I moved to smalltown Alberta. The next day I wandered in to a local church, cried all through the service, and was introduced to a fine lady who became a great friend. I was embraced in to the community very quickly.
If it's like a really small town like here in Alberta, check out the local Legion. At least that's where they hang out up here.
Check out any local classes being offerred like yoga or bellydancing. Cooking classes maybe?
It should be easy to meet people there.
Thanks for all the advice. I think I'm going to try to make friends at local bookstores and libraries, if there's one close by. I love the library, and it's always been a place of comfort for me. Perhaps when I start working, too, I'll be able to find friends. I've never lived outside of NY before, and even though I'm not too far from home (about a 3 hour drive), this is the furthest I've ever been...it's pretty amazing!
Good luck, Chia. Your circumstance sure is familiar. I would second the recommendation to enjoy some free time and get to know the town a little before you worry about getting a job. Money isn't everything, and if you've got health then take your time and worry about cashflow in a couple of weeks. Just my uninformed advice.
See the name? Yea I know what it's like.
Get out, just like everybody else says...it's the only thing I've found that helps.
I love the library, and it's always been a place of comfort for me.
Me too.