kind of interesting interview I heard this morning on the radio. it was talking about the local politicians down in New Orleans for years were given money to use on updating the leavees, instead, they used it to build casinos, thinking it would be a revenue generator. It was... problem was, like any politician ANYWHERE (demo or repub) once they get money, they forget about yesterday's promises and think about how the new money's going to be spent to further getting them re-elected. when this is over, recriminations are going to go everywhere. ALL, with a few exceptions, politicans STINK , doesn't matter which party..... PERIOD..
BUSH --- Too Little, Too Late
by Ms. Whip 34 Replies latest jw friends
kind of interesting interview I heard this morning on the radio. it was talking about the local politicians down in New Orleans for years were given money to use on updating the leavees, instead, they used it to build casinos, thinking it would be a revenue generator. It was... problem was, like any politician ANYWHERE (demo or repub) once they get money, they forget about yesterday's promises and think about how the new money's going to be spent to further getting them re-elected. when this is over, recriminations are going to go everywhere. ALL, with a few exceptions, politicans STINK , doesn't matter which party..... PERIOD..
Yup, all of them were rolling the dice (no pun intended). It's instant votes when you can divert the hundreds of millions from the levees progect and instead build casinos and employ people. And since most politicians are in office for only a relatively short period of time, they tend to be short-sighted. They'll grease the wheels of big business, expecting payback once they leave office. Sadly, many too many people paid with their lives for this stupid decision.
"I heard on the news that 80% of those told to evacute did just that , they hauled ass out . The other 20 % , were the poorest of poor, those who had no family out of Louisiana, there are folks there with 5 generations born and raised right there still in New Orleans. So their only family was right there in the same sitiuation, just as poor and they didnt have friends out of state to run to. Their whole world was right there in New Orleans. Included in the 20% were the ones who just didnt want to leave for whatever reason, like staying for their property, trying to ride it out , whatever"
Didn't that idiot mayor think about using all the school busses in the area to bus the poorest of the poor out of that place before it became a lake?
He sure should have CRR, I agree. A city like NewOrleans was waiting for the big one to hit, with the drills they did to prepare, evacuation of the poor, elderly, sick, should have been planned out ahead of time.
When I lived 50 miles from the hospital, I always made sure I had gas in my car every single night. There was no place to get gas if you were on low fuel in that town. I had to prepare because my youngest son , had breathing problems and many times we had to rush to the hospital to save his life.
I don't understand why they didn't have a plan to help the needy get out of town. There are still so many unanswered questions, we will find out in time .
William Penwell
I understand El Qaeda says it is God's wrath on George Bush... Makes one wonder who's side God is on. Will