At conventions especially, hand clapping annoyed me to no end. The first day I was excited and really in the business of clapping and silently condemning those around me who didn't do so. I even condemned those who I thought did not clap enthusiastically enough for my tastes. After the first session on the first day though, I was always done. I switched teams completely (No GBL, not that way) I wanted to ask the people around me: Why did you clap for that? Are you stupid? Do you know what you are clapping for? Has the mob mentality taken a hold of you and stripped what little hearing/thinking/reasoning ability your whithered mind can muster? Am I alone?
No more hand claps, please
by coolhandluke 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Have you ever played the clapping game?
No. I've played the umm game... You know where you count how many times the speaker says ummm. What is the clapping game?
It only takes one happy clapper to jump start a clap. Make this t-shirt . . . Friends Don't Let Friends Clap.
OMG!! That would be absolute hilarity. I would love to go to a convention with that shirt on. That would be awesome!
Watch other people at conventions when they are clapping.
Especially mid-afternnoon on Saturday, after the speaker suddenly raises his voice and pauses.
Mindless drones. It made me quit the clap-happy crew.
I belive GringoJJ had the best response during a round of joyous/anoy-us clapping by shouting "Obey!"
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I always thought it was funny when someone would try to start a clap and it didn't work - especially when they kept clapping louder and harder trying to get the momentum going. It was even worse when, after that attempt didn't work, they'd keep trying at every slight nuance in the talk until they got a real round of applause going. I always expected one of the brothers on stage to break down one day and finally say, "Look, I'm trying to talk here, will you quit it?"
LOL Ingenuous. I would always audibly laugh when people would do that. I got the wrath of the bony elbow from my mother. Well worth it.
~Miss that thread prompted this one
~Brenda, I wish I would have heard that while still in. During the thunder claps of the conventions, I would have loved to shout OBEY! OBEY!