First off Doodle I just love your new avatar least it is new to me. It just speaks your personality , sassy and spunky.
I loved this story too.
I hear Harry Connick , Jr. tell the story of Charles Neville's daughter , of the Neville brothers, did the same thing.
She saw an abandoned van and loaded people up. Harry said if she could do why couldn't those in charge more or less?
Amazing stories like this are going to be coming out of the woodwork more and more, when the people of New Orleans have had a chance to catch their breath, get needed medical care and that initial shock of what they went thru .
For all the bad behavior so some, the real humanity and spirit of those folks are going to be what stands out .
Also, the love of their fellow man that the multitudes all around the world have already shown reaching out to help them is what is going to shine.