*** Results of my Social Security Disability Hearing ***

by BrendaCloutier 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    That is good news. They sure put you through it before they finally give in. I'm happy for you.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Thank you so much for your well-wishing everyone. It's been JWD that's helped keep me sane. (for as much sanity as I'm capapble of)

    I'm still in shock and awe, and dammit I want my money NOW! LOL.... It will be up to 6 months before I see any.... But at least the "check's in the mail"....

    Whew! whew!

  • kwintestal

    Brenda!!! That is so awesome!!! I'm so excited for you. Woo Hoo! Lots of hugs!


  • Cellist

    Great news, Brenda! I was scared to read this thread when I saw the thumb. But now I'm happy that I did. I needed to hear some good news today. I can't tell you how happy and relieved I feel that you won.


  • BrendaCloutier

    Sorry about the thumb.... I don't often play the drama queen, but I wanted to this time, because it has been a dramatic... erm traumatic journey.

  • LyinEyes

    That is great news Brenda.......are you getting the disablity for Fibromyalgia and CFS? If so, that is soooooo amazing. It is just recently that doctors are admitting this is a chronic , life altering syndrome.

    As you know I too suffer from FM, and it is horrible. I have the pain under control, did that by lifestyle changes, mainly getting out of the borg , stress and guilt ya know. But, even with it being better, when it hits I am put in the bed and unable to take care of anyone or anything. So I know for a fact that someone who has this and it is an extreamly bad case, it can be totally disableing.

    My neice is 20 yrs old, she just started having seizures and can not drive a car any more and that is killing her. We are going to take her to the SS office to see if she can get disability. No one will hire her either, so something needs to be done, if only sending her to school to find something she can do for work. That is mainly what she wants.

    Do you think she will get SS?

  • BrendaCloutier

    Lyin - get the ball rolling for her now. Since she is unemployable in her current state, she may qualify for AT LEAST retraining, which in itself would be great. At her first denial get an attorney. Don't wait for the 2nd one, as one atty suggested I do. It was a big mistake. Make sure she is prepared to walk a frustrating and depressing journey. She will probably qualify more quickly than I did.

    I am un-retrainable ;) As my FMS and ability to handle a job in general is impossible. Even an low-no skilled possition, since I've been highly skilled in the past.

    Love and hugs Lyin, and all you are going thru. I pray nightly for the JWD'rs and everyone dealing with Katrina-bitch.


  • LyinEyes

    Hugs back to ya Brenda....... I just love this....


    Aint that the truth.

  • Es

    Oh hun thats fantastic



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