Been there...Being unemployed does that to people. Don't get angry, get training.
Does anyone else not really care about Katrina?
by sonnyboy 64 Replies latest jw friends
You're not a bastard sonnyboy you've just been kicked around too much so you're numb.
Maybe it simply hasn't sunk in yet.
It just baffles me that people only 'care' when something like this happens, yet there have been millions of "Katrina victims" all over the US and the world for years, dying every day on the street. They may have lost their homes due to a lack of employment, mental illness, or who knows what, yet it's ok to put them out on the street?
I just don't get this double standard. Maybe I care too much but am frustrated with the world in general. Maybe I feel guilty because I should be doing something but can't. I don't know what to feel right now.
Over one million babies are ripped from their mothers womb each and every year but when 1000 or so die in a natural disaster it is the greatest calamity in over 100 years. Go figure.
Don't get angry, get training.
I still have another year or two of school to go.
I don't understand why the government allows companies to relocate if it isn't going to do more to help displaced workers find good-paying jobs. Is George Bush trying to put people on the street? Going from $40K per yer down to $21 is a bitch when you have a mortgage.
Luckily I have a roommate to fall back on until things pick up, but it's still frustrating. I don't like to rely on anyone. I know at least 5 people from my old company who lost their homes because nothing around here pays anything. Unless you own your own business, you're pretty much screwed.
It should not suprise us at all that some of the people in NO are acting criminal. There is that element of society no matter where we are.
I do feel sorry for those good people that have had everything they know ripped from them, especially families with kids.
Now, those who are looting anything but essentials to survive, those shooting at others, and commiting crimes against others, those people I couldn't give a rats ass about.
It just baffles me that people only 'care' when something like this happens, yet there have been millions of "Katrina victims" all over the US and the world for years, dying every day on the street.
I am not saying that you're feelings are wrong, as such, I am saying that I have different feelings. Even by looking on my "bio", you'll see that I always have been against injustice of any kind, perpetrated against any one. I have advocated for the "underdog" whenever and wherever I can.
Having said that, and I agree with your last post, I don't physically SEE the things that you have mentioned---on my TV for example, for days and days on end. The reality IS that this type of sadness goes on every day. The FACT is that we don't see it unfolding before our very eyes, morning, noon, and night.
Neither my husband nor myself come from affluent means, and we have raised six children under some extremely tight circumstances a lot of times. We know about sorrow and loss and red tape and bureaucrats and rejection, and ALL the rest of it. Maybe this is WHY I am so sensitive to the needs of others, who knows?
I can only tell you that my heart is touched by their plight and the fact that I cannot tear myself away from my TV is just "me" dealing with the horror of it all. I feel that not watching it makes me feel as if "I" would be turning my back on them, as if that makes any sense. I can't really "do" anything but pray for them, but my heart wishes that I could BE there on a "hands-on" basis, just to lend any kind of support that I could.
What you think and feel are your own feelings and you are entitled to feel them. (BAD sentence structure, I know) No one is right or wrong when it comes to how they see, feel and perceive any situation. We simply happen to be on different wavelengths here, that's all.
Over one million babies are ripped from their mothers womb each and every year but when 1000 or so die in a natural disaster it is the greatest calamity in over 100 years. Go figure.
Don't even go there. Start your own thread if you want to but don't lump that shit onto this one.
Going from $40K per yer down to $21 is a bitch when you have a mortgage.
I understand. And you know what I tell myself? BUILD A BRIDGE - GET OVER IT. You're making $21/hour and your complaining? I don't mean to sound like a hard ass because I've been there, so I understand. But there are people out here that have lost EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. They don't have a home. They don't have a car. They don't have a job. They don't have anything but the clothing on their backs. And none of it was because of a bad choice they made. Mother Nature was the cause of this.
I lost my job on Monday. I sat and boo-hooed for two whole days over it. And then I saw firsthand what some of the evacuees are going through. I GOT OVER MYSELF. I have a home. I have a working car. I have clothes that would last me a month if I didn't do laundry that whole time. I have enough food in my pantry to last me that same month. I have no idea how we're going to make our mortgage next month. We may end up losing our home if I don't find a job and find it fast. But it could be a lot worse. I've seen it the last several days.
I really don't want to sound like a bitch, but your comments really make me sad. This world isn't always about you. It's about everyone in it. I hope to God that someday when you're in such dire straights as some of these evacuees, that your friends, family and neighbors aren't as selfish and apathetic as your post seems to make you sound.
I apologize. I didn't mean to introduce "SHIT" into the equation.