People remembered me from last Sunday and actually made an effort to fellowship with me (even though I bolted for the door after the closing prayer). Everyone seems very warm and genuine. I'm looking forward to going again next Sunday. There is an area-wide worship weekend scheduled for the weekend of Sept. 24th-25, and I am definitely going to make it there.
Went to church for 2nd Sunday in a row...
by findingmyway 25 Replies latest jw experiences
AK - Jeff
Great news, FMW!
Wifey has tried a couple of churches since we left the borg. She has had a positive experience each time she goes. They even asked her what she needed to have them include in prayer. She found the fellowship to be warm and cordial too.
Amazing how different it is from the horror stories we were fed by the 'slave' huh?
Good for u. Keep us posted.
FMW - What church are you attending? I've found the Disciples of Christ interesting, but haven't attended yet. I'm wondering what others are discovering in their travels.
Good work FMW!
Its amazing isn't it. Church is nothing like I expected it to be. I'm glad your enjoying the experience. Just go with the flow. If it feels right do it. If it goes against the grain - abstain.
I enjoy the fellowship from church too.
Great news, FMW!!!
I was freaked out the first time I attended church afyer ejecting out of the JW cult. Big cross you can see from the interstate really had me shaking. After 9 months I don't even think about it. The people are so, so PEOPLE. They can think and speak their mind. Very friendly and the whole church is into prayer like Jesus said His Father's house would be. There are so many LIES we were told by the JW's about the churches. It still makes me mad that I believed the WatchTower LIES about other churches.And they calim to be God's voice to mankind. What a crock of doo doo.
I'm attending the Church of Christ. I first became acquainted with it through my boyfriend who lives about an hour away from me. He and I attend his church when I visit with him. Initially, I tried it because I knew he wanted me to, but eventually (after a few visits), I really started to enjoy it. I decided to find one near my home and started attending two Sunday's ago. I didn't tell him that I was going until I got back because I didn't know what the experience would be like going alone and I didn't want the pressure of curious questions from him about my experience. Every Sunday, I'll play it by ear. I'll plan to go and decide when I wake up if it's what I want to do that day.
Funny thing is having that freedom of choice is what makes me want to go. Interesting, huh?
I was freaked out the first time I attended church afyer ejecting out of the JW cult.
My experience was similar. I was happy to have my boyfriend with me when I went. Not sure if I would have ever gone if I weren't introduced to it by him. The fact that the church I attended in my area was exactly like the one I attended in his area (approx. 1 hour's drive away) convinced me that it wasn't phony and staged.
FMW - What church are you attending? I've found the Disciples of Christ interesting, but haven't attended yet. I'm wondering what others are discovering in their travels.
My one neighbor asked us to their church. It was the Disciples of Christ also. We went in blue jeans and nice shirts. (so don't want suits and dresses again) Anyway, they were so nice to us. No one teased any of my kids, and the preacher came up and said hello, are you new to the area, etc. I said, I'm not sure if I believe in Christ, in god, or anything. She said fine, just come back, and you will always be welcomed. Not one word of discouragement at all. We've been going for a month and half now. No one has ever tried to make us feel inferior, or unwelcome. In fact, my teenagers want to go back, which they never did at the kh. I still don't know if it's for us, but it was sure nice to sing the hymns from when I was little. The gang, (my kids) still find it weird to be welcomed like that. They are waiting for the trap to come. Sure hope it doesn't for their sake, but it's a shame anyone would worry about that. (i'm sure you all know what I mean)
We were very reluctant the first time we went into one, but did so because a friend of ours told us that they had an excellant kids program.
We went, and kept going back week after week. We now have more friends that call us up to do things, then we ever did in the 20+ years I was in the org. And they're friends who aren't looking for dirt on you to rat you out. They really don't care what you do, and are happy with you being yourself.
out the frying pan and into the fire!