Does anytone 'wince' when they hear people talking about God/Jesus etc?

by PaulJ 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    Eyebrow:If it's any consolation I hate those kinda people, too.

    I'll discuss my beliefs with anyone IF THEY ASK, but as you've probably gathered, I don't even push them on this board.

    I'm struggling to understand why someone wouldn't expect "god-talk" in a church, though.

  • ozziepost
    Does anytone 'wince' when they hear people talking about God/Jesus etc?

    I'm confused by this question too!

    Talking about "there is no creator" is OK but talking about God/Jesus isn't?

    Seems subjective to me.

    I'd suggest the embarrassment may be because you find it confronting - you don't want to face the issues that such brings.

    I will say though that not all preaching appeals, that's why there's so many different churches! People vote with their feet.

  • mjarka911

    What's confusing about it? And of course it's subjective - it's an opinion question? The poster never said talking about there being no creator was "OK" - I took it as asking if anyone had a reaction to religious conversation after having been bombarded with "Truth" for so long. I feel the same way. After 35 years as a JW - my hair stands up about religion too.

  • MerryMagdalene
    "Jesus Freak"

    I can't help but be reminded by this of when I was a little girl (late 60s/early 70s) and I was traveling with my mom to my grandparent's place and she picked up a hitch-hiker (as she often did in those days).

    He had long hair, a beard, wore a long white robe and sandals, and carried only a Bible. He belonged to a "movement" at that time, the actual name I don't remember, cos the general population just called them "Jesus Freaks."

    They were all about returning to the basics of love and peace and togetherness. He was the sweetest guy and I thought he was so cool. I wanted to be a "Jesus Freak" too. LOL.

    And I felt sorry for him cos my mom "witnessed" to him the whole time he was in our car.


  • startingover


    What especially gets me is the use of the word "pray" I am so sick of hearing people saying they are praying for someone or something. Even though I think it has just become a catch phrase used to convey their thoughts of concern, I've had enough of it!

  • talesin

    Okay, I will clarify, LT.

    PaulJ said,

    I do. I went to a born-again christian church wedding a couple of weeks ago. In so many ways it was like a Kingdum Hall.... and the person conducting the wedding was Jesus this Jesus that..... I just want to roll my eyes.
    I think its because I been preached 'at' so much in my life as a dub i dont want to hear it anymore. Maybe Im getting my head round the idea that beliefs and worship are best kept to yourself....
    Anyone else feel like this?

    Then, damselfly said,

    I've been to a Roman Catholic church a few times since leaving the JW ( friend's weddings, X-mas service etc. )

    I can feel myself start to go into a panic attack each time.

    I can't seem to dis-associate God and Jesus from the JW. I've wanted to run screaming from the church each time.

    After which, luna added,

    When I see evangelists on tv or polititians invoking God, I change the channel immediately. I do try not to be rude in person. There were many people who didn't agree with my brand of faith during my dub years who were most polite and tolerant with me, so my goal is to emulate them now. I still cringe a little inside, though. LOL

    Then, ChrisVance added,

    Yes, indeed. About a year and a half after leaving the dubs I went to a catholic mass. It was very different than a dub meeting, but jesus was mentioned. I've never gone to a church service since. I agree people should keep such things to themselves.

    To which you replied,

    Let me get this right - you went to a place of worship and are now complaining that you heard someone talk about God?

    It seems to me that they were talking about their feelings when they had to go to a church for social reasons. The only real criticism of 'religious talk' was that they felt uncomfortable and were trying to figure out why ...

    I saw no reason for your sarcasm, but perhaps you felt 'bashed'. That would make sense if someone touched a nerve, so I was just trying to point out that I didn't think they were bashing all Christians, but (perhaps clumsily) trying to explain how they felt uncomfortable around religious talk, even if it was when they chose to attend a church service for social reasons.

    The church attendance merely brought such feelings up, and Paul was looking for feedback on how others felt. That's my take on it.


  • ozziepost


    I hope you don't feel that way for the vigils for Dansk.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    What especially gets me is the use of the word "pray" I am so sick of hearing people saying they are praying for someone or something. Even though I think it has just become a catch phrase used to convey their thoughts of concern, I've had enough of it!

    At least they have concern. They could have left them alone, dying, starving, dehydrated, and disease ridden. Instead, they chose to risk their own lives to save them from some very trying, terrible circumstances. Why don't you give people the graciousness of "having concern" for praying for the people that had come into such bad circumstances, instead of criticizing them? It'd be a lot more productive. PRAYING FOR THEM is a decent thing to do, and it implies that you care about other people and that you hope that they and their circumstances get better.

    Better yet, why don't you put your hand in your pocket and donate $25 to the Red Cross, instead of writing on here complaining about something that makes no difference? Really, brother, no one gives a crap what you say.. all they care about is what you do. The blame game will come later, but for now there is thousands of people that need help.. and you're just another one that can help them, if you care enough.


  • kazar

    It seems there are few places I can escape god-talk; friends, family and the workplace. Yes, I wince. I listen, but all the while I am thinking "oh, someone please get me away from this." It makes me nearly insane and judgmental toward people directing this talk to me.

  • Carmel

    I was only subjected to 14.5 years of JW brainwashing and have been "out" for over 45 more. Still blanch when the "Praise the Lord" bunch go at it. Don't get me wrong, I'm a religious person and believer, but the vast majority of Jesus talk or Jehovah talk spooks me.


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