I have not, nor will go back to "meetings" after finding out how I was spiritually mislead through the years.I have actually found more comfort in doing my own studying. My wife still goes occassionaly and her sister and brother-in-law just started going back. So we went over there house the other night and we got into a conversation in which he said they went to the meeting today (Sunday). I bascially told him I will never go back and that I do not believe in "organized" religion. He went on to say that the brothers talked with him on Sunday and he had brought this up to them (as he was having doubts himself). They told him that everything in the universe is organized. There has always been a channel from god in the past and jehovah always had an organization. They even told him that the firat century christians were organized. They also told him if you don't associate with an organization (referring to them) that you are isolating yourself which is spoken against in the bible. I tried to reason with him and told him that the ancient Jewish system and or religious practices ended with Jesus. As far as an organization it did not exist in the first century (at least not in the sense that the brothers where trying to say). They only thing jesus promised his disciples was the help of the Holy spirit. He seemed to eat up every word they told him. Made me sort of sick. I eventually changed the subject.
There must be an "organization"
by sinis 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They also told him if you don't associate with an organization (referring to them) that you are isolating yourself which is spoken against in the bible.
There has always been a channel from god in the past
Ask them, "If I were a sincere Bible-believing Christian in the year 1850, what 'organization' should I have been associating with? How about 1750? 1650? 1550?"
The following articles have been written by former Jehovah's Witnesses. Each represents its author's personal views, but all have been prepared especially to assist those who have been associated with Jehovah's Witnesses.
You may not agree with the views expressed. You should feel free to contact the author of each publication with comments, questions or even constructive criticism. To send email to the author, click on the author's name.
You might be interested in lookinig over this by Tom Cabeen, an ex-Bethelite from the 1980's.
Does God Work Through an Organization?
Where is the Body of Christ?
They told him that everything in the universe is organized. There has always been a channel from god in the past and jehovah always had an organization
Ask the brothers to account for the years from the death of the last apostle to Charles Taze Russell, then.
They also told him if you don't associate with an organization (referring to them) that you are isolating yourself which is spoken against in the bible.
What about where Jesus is quoted as saying, "Whereever two or three of you are gathered, there I will be also"? He did not say "Whereever two or three of you are gathered under the auspices of my approved publishing and real estate-holding company, there I will be also!"
Ask them, "If I were a sincere Bible-believing Christian in the year 1850, what 'organization' should I have been associating with? How about 1750? 1650? 1550?"
JW’s are quick to dismiss anything not directly supported in the Bible! They say "the word ‘Trinity’" isn’t in the Bible, therefore, a false teaching." Okay, how about "Organization?" Where is that in the Bible?
Ask them, "If I were a sincere Bible-believing Christian in the year 1850, what 'organization' should I have been associating with? How about 1750? 1650? 1550?"
What a great question !
Ask the brothers to account for the years from the death of the last apostle to Charles Taze Russell, then.
Yes, absolutely ! But won't they say that Christianity went wayward after the first century, and Charles T. Russel rediscovered true worship ???
I think that the question of an organised religion is open to debate. After all, the first cent. christians were organized enough for Paul to journey from congregation to congregation and have letters distributed among all of them .. I suspect that a witness would comment on the intervening years by referring to Jesus' parable of the wheat and the tares , saying that the time in between was foretold and all was regathered at the time of the end
In reality , the argument they have used is one that is often derided by the WT when it is used to stop people leaving their church and become JW's . They are saying, "Dont change, stick with what you know, trust us and dont ask questions "
The important thing is, "Does the WTS measure up to what is expected of the true christian religion?" Now we have some talking points!
They often use the example of the Beroeans who carefully examined the scriptures as to whether these things were so. Then let all keep on examining the scriptures and checking the doctrines and practices of the WTS
The important thing is, "Does the WTS measure up to what is expected of the true christian religion?" Now we have some talking points!
Excellent, BluesBro.
For myself, I attack on their issues of dishonesty which humankind universally views as intentional (there are honest mistakes but never honest lies).