nOT sure if I have spell it right?
Demons who have sex with humans
by badboy 30 Replies latest jw friends
nOT sure if I have spell it right?
Demons who have sex with humans
Its been a long time since I've heard any jw mention this phenomenon. But I've talked with two jws who swear it happened to them and its even appeared in their literature a couple of times.
*** w87 9/1 p. 4 Spiritism—How Viewed by God? ***"The spirits that spoke through me were kind to those who sought their help," she says, "but at the same time they made my life miserable. After each sitting, I felt beaten up and could hardly move. When night fell, I hoped for some rest, but the spirits did not leave me alone. They kept disturbing me, talking to me and keeping me awake. And the things they said!" She sighs and looks down, shaking her head in aversion. "They loved to talk about sex and insisted on having relations with me. It was shocking. I was married. I did not want to be unfaithful and told them so. It did not help. Once an invisible force overpowered me, touched and squeezed my body, and even bit me. I felt wretched."
*** hp chap. 13 pp. 128-129 Communicating with the Spirit Realm ***
24 Communication with wicked spirits is dangerous. Reports indicate that once the demons gain influence over a person, they can do much harm—physically, mentally and emotionally. (Compare Matthew 8:28-33.) They have harassed persons, making noises at night, causing objects to move about, fondling sex organs and causing illness. Their "voices" have even driven persons to insanity, murder or suicide.
25 Of course, some "strange" occurrences may result from physical problems, such as disturbances of body chemistry, which may affect the mind and the senses. But it would be foolish simply to dismiss the existence of Satan and the demons. Do not underestimate the seriousness of the Bible’s warning about them.
Overall though, succubi and incubi aren't that prevalent among jws. They view demons more as the catalysts urging people on to have sex with one another. Here's a typical quote:
w86 1/1 p. 14 Days Like "the Days of Noah" ******
16 Make no mistake! Satan and his demons are still on the rampage! Though thrown into figurative "pits of dense darkness" and restricted from taking on fleshly bodies, those depraved spirits are intent upon corrupting humans, and especially Jehovah’s servants. (2 Peter 2:4-6) No doubt the demons influenced Canaan to commit his immoral act toward his grandfather Noah. (Genesis 9:22-25) Certainly they must have spawned the perversions that became ‘the way of the land of Canaan,’ so that it finally vomited out its inhabitants. (Leviticus 18:3-25) Likewise, the demons foster the unnatural sex practices that afflict so many communities today. In putting up a hard fight for the faith, we must resist any attacks by those fallen angels that impel humans to ‘commit fornication excessively and to go out after flesh for unnatural use.’—Jude 3, 6, 7.
I remember something in the literature in the mid or late '80s about demons raping women. Maybe it was the above articles, but I thought it made more specific reference to demon rape.
I think the idea is bizarre......I mean, how the hell does a spirit get an erection?
This is one of those incosistencies which I was never able to understand. JW's claim that demons can move objects, fondle members bodies, even have sex with people, etc, but that the demons do not have and cannot materialize a physical body. So what do the demons touch people WITH? Thought waves? Gamma rays? Mean intentions? A "spirit body" which isn't composed of flesh and bone doesn't seem very dangerous, and it can be argued that if it isn't composed of SOME kind of matter, it doesn't exist. I eventually decided that it was just another scarey story to keep the credulous in line.
aCTUALLY i WAS thinking with hindsight, I was thinking how would they get sperm etc
Another trick here:
Of course, some "strange" occurrences may result from physical problems, such as disturbances of body chemistry, which may affect the mind and the senses. But it would be foolish simply to dismiss the existence of Satan and the demons. Do not underestimate the seriousness of the Bible’s warning about them.
So are these occurrences explained by mental/physical illness or not then??? Obviously they are trying to suggest not.
I think they were just having an erotic dream and blamed it on the demons
I remember a brother telling me he was fondled regularly by demons. I dont know how I kept a straight face.
I remember a brother telling me he was fondled regularly by demons. I dont know how I kept a straight face.
omg that made me laugh!