Oh gosh you just had to do that eh? That's not nice. How would you like if someone did that to you?
by hibiscusfire 47 Replies latest social entertainment
Oh gosh you just had to do that eh? That's not nice. How would you like if someone did that to you?
free: Celebrities - None, as they are actors who stopped living life and began playing it to the point that no one is who they seem to be IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE AN ACTOR YOU KNOW
Spiritually - Spirit WHAT SPIRIT
Other - Anyone who can turly look in the mirror and say, "I am who I want to be," and mean it. WELL MANY PEOPLE WOULDN'T LIKE WHAT THEY SEE Hibie
proph Hibie Jibie, You are a true icon on this board. Your topics of discussion bring out such intensive and electronic energy out of so many. Your post are quizzical, as well controversial. You give us much to talk about. Fan those flames Hibiscuitfire, You Rock!!!
Waitress :"Hello...you wanna cup of coffee?"
Trucker :"Hey...Turn the fucking Juke Box down"
Waitress :"I'm sorry, would you like a cup of coffee?
OK you take cream and sugar?"
In truck stops and hamburger joints
In Cadilllac limousines
In the company of has-beens
In bent-backs in sleeping forms
On pavement steps
In libraries and railway stations
In books and banks
In the pages of history
In sucidal cavalry attacks
I recognise...
Myself in every stranger's eyes
And in wheelchairs by monuments
Under tube trains in commuter accidents
In council care and countrucourts
At Easter fairs in sea-side resorts
In drawing rooms and city morgues
In award winning photographs
Of life rafts in the China seas
In transit camps, under arc lamps
On loading ramps
In faces blurred by rubber stamps
I recognise...
Myself in every stranger's eyes
And now from where I stand
Upon this hill plundered from the pool
I look around, I search the skies
I shade my eyes, so nearly blind
And I see signs of half remembered days
I hear bells that chime in strange familiar ways
I recognise...
The hope you kindle in your eyes
It's oh so easy now
As we lie here in the dark
Nothing interferes it's obvious
How to beat the tears
That threaten to snuff out
The spark of your love
Look into someone's eyes.....IT'S THE DOOR TO THE SOUL.
" These words are inspired by your above staement. "
We are all mirrors of each other. As intricate and uniquely different as we may be, we are too, more alike than any would dare to admit.
I'm just another point of view / I'm just a reflection of you
Wow all that from one line. So who do you admire in one way or another?
I certainly do not admire the polititians because they make promises they cannot keep and besides I HATE POLITICS....it's too political for me.
Do you people remember Mahatma Ghandi?
Carl Sagan. he was a brilliant skeptic and critical thinker, and yet still had that childish sense of awe at the universe. and he smoked dope. that is more than any rock star or actor could ever do for me.
Satan. he told the first truth.
Me. He's free.
Emperor Norton- Ruler of the United States and Protector of Mexico. He lived in San Francisco in the 1800s, and he was the man in charge. I hope to grow up to be just like him.