Mark Hurricane Relief Donations for the World Wide Work
by Honesty 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals
You must not forget all that money goes to help our lovely GB brothers fly all over the world and stop in lovely hotels so they can dish out all that lovely spiritual food at the conventions
just love how he says, don't mark it for the hurricane relief, just "for the world wide work", no special provisions for the poor homelss brothers down there.
sounds like a shaky deal.
all the hallamrks of a cult and not a religion
Honesty, What's the number that you called?
Thanks to the efforts of a kind and determined systems specialist the WatchTower is once again exposed 'naked' to the world. Just imagine where 'the best' use of your WT Hurricane Katrina Relief Donation will be.... maybe a chandelier at 25 Columbia Heights or a new North Coast Assembly Hall of JW's between Mo Bay and Ocho Rios (they really need a new one. The current one is a pile of palm fronds stacked on top of a wood framework with wooden picnic benches and no backrests. Get off your duffs, WT and build a new one for the Jamaican brothers).
Stay tuned for more 'delightful words of truth from the FDS'.
Honesty, What's the number that you called?
718-560-5000 Spend a few quarters, make the call and receive the latest updates on how your donations are helping the hurricane disaster victims.
I think more people should call, and demand specifics about the relief effort. What will the WTS say then? Why doesnt someone bait them? Call and say that you want to donate 100,000 dollars to 10 different relief efforts, 10,000 each to the most qualified. What will the WTS say if someone wants to give them 10,000 as long as they can outline exactly where the money is going? I think this would be a great trick. I can here them now "we are doing alot right now with the relief effort, I just cant give you any specifics or account for how your donation will be spent" Thier true colors really shine in situations like these.
it was too good to wait till the weekend
it was too good to wait till the weekend
I agree. Wheweee!!! Thanks, zev. Catch you on the JW net. Where we can discuss 'delightful words of truth about the troof'