I voted while I was a Witness and just kept it to myself, my state does a mail in ballet. I was registered a Republican and not I am Independent. Which drives some people nuts as they say you must draw a line in your politics. I disagree!
Unfortunately in Oregon you are only allowed to vote party line in the primaries. So I changed from Independent to Democrat. I feel this is a disenfranchisement of my rights as an american citizen and as a citizen of Oregon and have written letters to my congressmen and representatives at both state and national levels. I have voted for about 12 years. I've been out for about 30! It took THAT LONG to get comfortable with the concept, let alone action. Before being a card-carrying voter, I did keep (mostly) quiet on my opinion as to government issues. However, now I not only excercise my freedom of speech, but it is underscored by my responsibility as a voter. My vote counts. Even it is is only one of the 49% that voted against Bush this last election, and one of the 51% that voted against Bush in the previous election.
Liberating, and sometimes disheartening. But my responsibility none-the-less.