Patterson wants elders to get the name and home congregation of displaced JWs that begin attending KHs in new locations. This point was stressed. My thoughts are that WTS can't afford to let any JWs use this as an opportunity to fade or stop attending meetings. From the way the point was made to get publisher information and report it to WTS, methinks they are more concerned with losing members than members' welfare.
Fascinating! I hadn't thought of that before. Imagine, dozens of congregations where publisher cards, judicial files, etc. are completely obliterated. Bethel only keeps track of elders, MS, and regular pioneers. A fader's dream come true! It would be most intersting to see how many take advantage of this opportunity.
Day one after the hurricane a few brothers from the HKRC went into New Orleans/Slidell area and began assessing damage to Kingdom Halls. The elders divided parts of southeast Louisiana into zones, my notes are sketchy and memory missing a few points, but in one zone 5 KHs are gone, 2 heavily damaged. Around Lake Pontchartrain 7 KHs are gone, 7 moderate damage, and ;some with ;light damage. On day two the brothers did more assessments, but martial law was put in place and they had to leave.
Interesting. Do you mean to tell me that their primary interest was the condition and health of their real estate holdings?
The image I have in my mind is an SUV or airboat full of well-dressed elders whizzing throught he flooded streets, zooming from one Kingdom Hall address to another, while dozens of people are calling out for help on rooftops as they pass...
Clueless idiots, I'm sure there was loud & long applause at how efficiently the brothers worked out the proprty damage, while scarcely a soul thought more than 2 seconds of the suffering poor left behind...