Yep, I also had those doubts. And the revelation book, I KNEW it was crap but still stuck my head in the sand! All those phrophesies, fulfilled, espacially the the 2 witnesses revived thing, unbelieveable. The Isaiah book was another one, I even voiced it to my zealot sister, saying it was rubbish. What was i thinking!
"....You probably think this song is about you...."
by Preston 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
I actually thought the revelation book was pretty well written and since most things in it apply to future events unlike most religions that think it was about the roman empire or ancient babylon ( which is complete rubbish) I thought they did make some interesting observations in it but of course you would have to suspend your disbelief alot and I think they did miss some major points . The Isaiah and Daniel books I thought they were reaching a little for the modern day example of prophesy that clearly applied to ancient Israel and they tried too hard to show paralells to modern worship .
I always thought it was Warren. No?
Yeah, every word was about this cult! And better yet, with The Maniac, Fred Franz, the entire Hebrew Scriptures had antitypical meaning for this JW Remnant. Flash Gordon anyone? How about a decoder ring and some new PF Flyers, a bag of 'shrooms, and a bottle of moonshine.