Why do people do that? She told me herself she thinks the religion is bullshit but she has that nagging doubt of what if it's true. I am trying to wrap my mind around that comment. She thinks it's bullshit but she is going back just in case it's not bullshit. Hearing this really disappointed me. I know it's her life and she has to lead it the way she sees fit. I am amazed at the power that religion has over some people.
Old friend running back to the KH because of New Orleans tragedy
by unbeliever 18 Replies latest jw friends
Yah people are strange . I don't know how anybody can go back after reading the truth about the truth , I mean you'd really have to fake it anyway . You would be bound to slip eventually . They probly took a crap on your friend the whole time she was gone , heck they took a crap on me the whole time I studied . I believe in God and know enough that I wouldn't just accept any ideas that people come up with, but that's what the WTBTS wants total acceptance with no questioning on anything . Well it looks like I'm going to hell because there's no friggen way ................
She may go running back but she will just as likely run straight back out again.
You have feel sorry for someone who doesn't fit in the real world but can't take the lies of jws as well. She's in limbo poor bugger. Keep us posted..
It's like they say...there are no athiests in a foxhole...It's a default mechanism...with no lasting effect...other than a childish attempt to save their own ass by "covering the bases"...do you really think that if there was a "God" that he wouldn't see through her pitifully selfish attempt at self-preservation...by "God" ass-kissing?
Did you see The Mummy (with Brandon Frasier)...this one wormy coward dude carried the symbols of ALL the major religions around his neck...just in case...and to "cover the bases"....what a marooon..
u/d(of the don't sweat it, your friend won't stay class)
i know how you feel bout the feeling dissapointed....my friend got D\F while i was still in the borg once i started fading i got back in contact with you and we had a ball together...nightclubbing,celebrating bdays,drinking,smoking. And then all of a sudden she was going back to the borg. Stating there was nothing in the world for her. At that was that that was over a year ago and ive not heard from her since.
I hope that she is happy in her decision??????
She may go running back but she will just as likely run straight back out again.
Initially, inactive and ex-JWs ran back after 9-11. But those numbers have dropped back to the original levels. After the disaster fades in memory, they remember why the left in the first place.
I give it a year.
Boy, this disaster might just salvage the attendance numbers in North America this year.
Only people who need religion are members of a religion. It is a specific kind of entertainment
that like a comedy movie, makes people feel better in a specific way.
I get a kick out of people who "hedge their bets" this way. I actually had a friend tell me that this was a reason to go back...."well, what if you are wrong?" To me, it's a matter of a person not being willing to take a stand, in spite of what they know.
Fear is one of the most powerful motivators in the human psyche. I'm sorry for your friend, as her fear has taken over. It makes sense to me, not in a logical, this-is-not-the-truth way, but in a very human I-am-afraid-and-this-is-the-only-way-I-know-how-to-deal-with-it way. Take heart, she will most likely wake up as time goes on, and she is able to relax a bit. The frenzy surrounding this event will cause lots of people to do irrational things ... sad, but true.