Who Really Rules the World?

by Perry 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Perry

    Thanks for the quotes Gerard.

    They got me to thinking about the unintended consequences that are born from such thinking. I remember growing up as a witness and how Satan and the demons seemed to be everywhere. Even completely benign things were not allowed because the reasoning was that if the thing, action, or thought was not from the Watchtower Corporation, then it had to be from the Devil, since he rules everything else.

    This created an atmosphere in our home of paranoia, fear and a timid almost cowardly approach to life. Our only relief from such "evil" was meetings and field service. Basically, everything except those two activities were in Satans realm.

    I used to be jealous of Christians in our neighborhood because they seemed to not live under a cloak of fear and dejection and yet were living moral, family oriented lives. No one freaked out over common sins. It was just acknowledged and dealt with. I could see that they lived a far more free and healthier lifestyle than we JW's did. I was too young to contemplate that it had to do with our acceptance of false teachings. I just figured we were freaks.

    When I got baptized as a witness (age 23) I honestly told God that I was willing to be a moron and a loser to get life in the New System. I had enough of sin by that point and thought the Watchtower was the only way. However, I firmly believed from age 7 onward that Jehovah's Witnesses were idiots. I don't know why, I just did.

    I now know the secret of those "normal" Christian neighbors I used to watch in my neighborhood. Instead of running around like dejected losers, they were being led by Christ in a Triumphal walk through the cheering streets of "Rome" with the objects of their conquest in chains behind them.

    2 Corinthians 2:14
    14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.
    What a cheap, utterly incompetent false Christ the WT is; or anyone else for that matter.
  • defd

    The bible CLEARLY states that Satan the devil is ruling the world at this time. It is his influence that is strongly felt and obeyed. Revelations says that the world rulers are being INFLUENCED by the devil to do his bibding not Gods. Look at the world? Do you honestly think that God rules it? If God cannot do any better than this what hope is there?

  • Perry

    Hi d'fd.

    To answer your question; I do believe that God does ultimately rule the world and allows Satan to propigate evil for His own ultimate purposes. I believe that God foreknew the existence of evil before creation and decided to suffer along with his creation even as he made a world that was capable of producing evil as well as good.

    I do believe that Satan rules the world of mankind separated from God. I realize that the basis of my belief is faith albeit augmented by personal experience; and that to unbelievers it sounds quite insane.

    However, to state that : "Nowhere does the Bible say that either Jesus Christ or his Father are the real rulers of this world" is demonstratable false as the scriptures indicate that I cited.

    The witnesses do not believe that they are ruled by Satan do they? Yet, they are part of the matter that makes up this planet. So even they must place some limitation on their own definition of "world".

  • defd

    ok i see what you mean and appreciate your belief

  • tetrapod.sapien
    Nowhere does the Bible say that either Jesus Christ or his Father are the real

    rulers of this world. Who could this be?


    it's a little known scientific fact.

  • heathen

    That's a load of crap . I've seen in the publications as well as heard them say publically that satan is the ruler of the world . However they seem to think that jesus began ruling the world in 1914 as written in revelation the kingdom of the world became the kingdom of God and christ . Rev 11:15 it does seem when they try to answer the question they contradict themselves .

  • Stealth
    Who Really Rules the World?

    Frodo Failed.... Bush has the ring.


  • Perry

    Howdy Heathen,

    You touch on an excellent point. According to Wt. doctrine, one would think that they would be proclaiming Christ at every opportunity as the ruler of this (current) world even if it is an "invisible" rulership.

    The reason that they can't do this is because of the conflicting teaching that since God gave all authority to Christ, and since Christ in turn gave all his authority (in this world) to the WT leaders, then the WT leaders are the actual rulers of the current world of non-evil people. Rather than just coming out and plainly saying that they are the ones who rule the world (of good people), they must falsely state and hyper-manically teach that Satan is the Ruler of the World so that the WT becomes God by default. Hence their constant practice for self-grandizment in the publications goes uncontested because God is simply congratulating himself.

  • heathen

    LMAO@Perry --- Yah that about sums it up, since they are the FDS that is appointed over Gods interests in the world they are indeed playing God . Everybody is under the rulership of the WTBTS INC.

  • The Chuckler
    The Chuckler
    The bible CLEARLY states that Satan the devil is ruling the world at this time.

    Revelations says that the world rulers are being INFLUENCED by the devil to do his bibding not Gods

    defd, no it doesn't. If you read your Bible daily you would know the Bible does not say that. Nowhere does it say that in the beginning of the 21st Century the world is run by the Devil.

    As for Revelation, that's just the ramblings of a deluded prophet and has no bearing on reality at all. Don't claim to quote the Bible when you are really quoting WT doctrine.

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