I think it's finally sunk in...

by sonnyboy 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • sonnyboy

    I want to officially retract the opening statment of my "Does anyone else not care about Katrina?" thread.

    I've been watching coverage like a hawk all day, and it cannot be compared to the homeless problem in our country. I still stand by what I said, which is that we should always support and feel compassion for those who are less fortunate, even when CNN is not involved, but this is definitely different. I think I've been too preoccupied with my own problems to actually see it.

    These people lost everything at once, which was totally out of their control. Families have been torn apart, jobs lost, lives thrown to the wind, and untold pain and suffering due to mother nature. I feel ashamed for ever making that thread, because I DO care and feel for these people. I guess I always have, but the gravity of the situation didn't hit home until recently.

    I'll be making a donation tomorrow. It may not be much, whatever I can afford, but I feel the need to do my part in helping these people rebuild their lives. I hope that everyone does something, no matter how small, to help out their fellow man. You never know who may be next.

  • FlyingHighNow
    I guess I always have, but the gravity of the situation didn't hit home until recently.

    Thank you, Sonny for this. You aren't the only poster here who did this. You're a breath of fresh air. I hope some others here will wake up and see what you see. Very admirable for you to start this thread.

  • avishai

    Good on ya, sonnyboy. I for one did'nt hold any animus for your position. Heck, I'm barely keeping my head above water myself, so I understand. But I've also lived through two housefires, and lost all my stuff on other occasions too, so I see both sides. Hard to watch, huh?

    You do what you can, and it's my suggestion that the old adage "charity begins at home" often holds true. Sometimes just listening to someone who is homeless, or in pain is more than enough, I know, I've been there. Seriously, money is'nt the only way, simple human compassion goes along way. When I was eight and my first house was burned, someone heard I liked to read and brought me a BOOK!! That was the one thing out of all the clothes, etc., that helped that boy that I was, an el cheapo readers digest compilation, it kept me sane for weeks. So you never know what it is. Listen.... it helps.

  • prophecor

    Glad you could have a change of heart SB.

  • sonnyboy

    Thanks, guys. I watched a telethon this evening and was moved by all the people who are coming forward to help (the music was pretty good too). U2 and Mary J. Blige were great together.

    I don't have a lot of money right now, but I have a ton of clothing, some new and some used, that I can donate. I cleaned out my bedroom yesterday and have a mountain in my hallway that I can no longer use (fortunately I have a mother who never knows my clothing size during holidays). I know that monetary donations are preferred, but hopefully I'll find some way to send this too. If anyone has an address, I'd appreciate it.

    I'll have to bump this thread tomorrow because I need to get some sleep right now.

  • under74

    If you want to give food a good place to contact would be Second Harvest. For clothing it's best to contact groups in the area touched by the hurricane. Also...don't feel bad for giving what you can spare. I did phones for the telethon last night and had to keep telling callers not to apologize for giving $5. They were giving what they could and every cent matters.

    This is from a Lutheran group asking for clothing donations sent to the following addresses--

    1102 E. Admiral-Doyle Dr.; New Iberia, LA 70560

    4750 Northside Methodist Home Rd.; Jackson, MS 39213
    Ray Elsberry-Manager (601)969-6155

    Also, take a look in the paper...there are some malls in my area doing food and clothing drives so maybe something's happening in your area.

  • Jeannine

    That was a nice post Sonny. When I read your first post when you compared Katrina victims to the daily losses many people around the country suffer, I thought..."can't be compared". Not many people lose their home, family, jobs, social structure, and memories all in one day. I am glad you came around on that one. I also posted and said some things about Katrina that I regret. I guess we just aren't use to the magnitude of this type of event and it takes a few days for it to all sink in. Thanks for a good post.

  • Billygoat

    (((((((Sonnyboy))))))) You are a good man. I mean that. I don't think the other thread should be deleted though. Many good comments and good discussion took place there. I'm happy for your new perspective.

    I know that monetary donations are preferred, but hopefully I'll find some way to send this too.

    Donations of whatever you can give are perfectly fine. Cash is good. But clothes and anything else are just as good. Perhaps there is a shelter in your city you can take those to? Bubbamar from this board has been helped with food and clothing and cash. It's ALL good and greatly appreciated. So don't minimize what you CAN give...just give. Like Avishai said, you really have no idea how much it can impact another's life. A simple T-shirt is appreciated when you have nothing else to wear.

  • BrendaCloutier

    (((( sonny )))) I didn't think you were so cold and heartless. The concept of an Amercian city (cities) just --- gone. Lives and homes and jobs and cars and everything.... gone. 90,000 square miles of destruction an area greater than the UK . Mindboggling.

  • CoonDawg

    My grocery store...Publix...has a thing where I can donate at the checkout when I buy my groceries. It's very handy. Also, I volunteered with my company. They are donating some cash, as well as two tractors, drivers, and fuel to pull relief supplies to the Gulf Coast for some local charitable organizations. I have volunteered to be one of the drivers...but my boss says that I'll have to take a number as the majority of our 50 drivers have made the same offer.


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