Where were you on the a.m. of 9/11/01?

by rebel8 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    I was at work -- a manager in a hospital that is the regional treatment center for one medical specialty...region includes NYC. Someone came & grabbed me hard by the arm and pulled me into a room, where I saw every single mgr. sitting silently watching tv. Moments later we watched the 2nd tower struck live. The state health dept. informed us to implement our disaster plan and ready for several hundred casualties.

    I went back to work as a zombie and began making beds and preparing for several hundred people.....every few hours for the next week or so, the health dept. called and said a bus or helicopter was coming with X number of casualties....except none ever came. They were all dead.

    I remember hearing reports of an explosion in the basement prior to the plane hitting, too.

  • jayhawk1

    I was at my job at the time working in a machine shop. We're allowed to wear radios, so I had mine on. At the time I was listening to sports talk radio, when there was a brief mention of a plane hitting the World Trade Center. Then they continued talking about whatever sport. I switched my radio over to the news talk station. Reports were surreal that other planes had hit other targets, some true, some false. By midday the company rolled a television out to the vending machine area and I watched in horror the damage to the Trade Center, Pentagon, and the downed plane in the Pensylvania field.

  • talesin

    I was sitting in my LR, watching Canada AM (similar to GMA) when the report of the first plane crash came in. Almost immediately, they switched to a live feed, with the camera trained on the WTC. All of a sudden, I saw the second plane come onto the screen, and strike the tower. A shock ran through my body, as I realized that thousands were dying, before my very eyes.

    I ran to the bedroom to wake up my husband, and we sat on the couch and held each other and cried as the drama unfolded. I will never forget it, though I try.


  • prophecor

    I was listening to Imus in the Morning. He was mentioning how the most bizzarre thing had somehow just haooened, how it was that a plane had crashed into the WTC. I, of course was not believing any of it and went downstairs to turn on the television, and lo & behold, It was true. I watched in almost non belief as to what had happened. The first plane had struck the tower. As I'm watching amidst total disbelief, I'm thinking to myself, before the second plane hit, that doesn't look like an accident, that looks deliberate. In comes the second plane, and I'm watching this in real time, not a taped delay, and it was only obvious as to what was going on.

    We were under attack, and there was no second guessing, or pilot error. To see the destruction that presented itself before my eyes, the Pentagon being hit, and the downing of the fourth plane, it was a day that still affects me to this hour. I'll never view America the same way as I do now. This was the greatest affront on all of us as a nation, as a people, as a country in all of American history. Be it as bad as it was, and eventhough the person for whom I voted did not become President of the USA, I, somehow, felt it was by the grace of God, that George Bush had become president, as I believe he was the only one who could have effectively adressed the world stage from that vantage point. I do not believe that JFK would've been able to effectively handle the situation.

  • gaiagirl

    I was at the bank, and the teller asked if I had heard about the plane which crashed into the World Trade Center. At the time, the second plane had not yet hit, so I thought it was an accidental crash, similar to the plane which hit the Empire State Building (back in the 40's?). It didn't occur to me that someone might intentionally pilot a plane into the building.

  • Sunnygal41

    I was sitting at my desk, working for the Board of Ed, Transportation Dept., and it was opening week of school...........in fact, I was ON THE PHONE wit the bus company, and I couldn't believe it.......they had TV on and he told me...........the WTC has just been hit.........and then a minute later...........the other plane.........I knew that it was not an accident then.............and then "terrorists" jumped into my mind............oh how vulnerable we all were at that point, not realizing the role that terrorism and dealing with it would do to our safe, secure lives.............

  • Perry

    Channel surfing in bed trying to wake up.

  • BluesBrother

    Much the same over here too.

    I was at work, we are 5 hours ahead of New York time, the first report came when a femail colleagues daughter phoned her and she said that a plane had crashed into the WTC . We imagined it to be a light plane but we hoped there would not be too many casualties . There was a radio in another part of the building and we started to hear of uncertain and undetailed reports . My friends daughter phoned again and she said there had been another one. "Oh yes , we all said, you told us before" but she insisted this was a second one . No one believed her and we all thought the messages were confused and duplicated. . Poor Sandra insisted that her daughter had said a second crash had occurred.

    A little later the radio also confirmed it . By then the enormity of the incident was being realised and we got the radio reports more regularly during the afternoon.

    I think we were all stunned, and just hoping that it would not turn out as bad as it seemed . My abiding TV image is the streams of people walking away, all covered in grey ash . Just walking, walking .

    A week or so later there was held a minutes silence in the day for the victims of the incident, I was at work again. I work in a cosmopolitan area and there were Christians, Hindu, Sikh and Muslems all together sharing the moment in a small group

  • NeonMadman

    I was in my office, working as a service manager for a linen supply company in Connecticut. I got a phone call from my fiancee (now Mrs. NeonMadman) who worked in a fairly tall office building in New Jersey, telling me that a plane had just hit the WTC. We talked for a few minutes, after which I went out to the main office (where there was a radio) and turned on the radio to hear that a second plane had hit the other tower.

    It was a Tuesday morning, and one of my routes was assigned to Manhattan that day. In fact, there was a yacht company directly across the street from the WTC at the docks that was one of our clients, and on a normal Tuesday, my driver would have been there at just about 9:00. Several panicky hours ensued as we tried unsuccessfully to make contact with the driver, but he finally was able to get a cell phone call through at around 2:00. He had been delayed earlier on his route and had not yet reached the immediate WTC area when the planes hit, but had been only about 10 or 15 blocks away. He was making his way out of the City slowly, but did not finally get back to our facility until about 6:00 that evening.

  • Momofmany

    I was at home, and my brother called me and told me to turn on the TV. A plane has just hit the one tower as I turned on the TV, I was watching it unfold. Saw the second plane hit. I just held my two youngest and cried. Heard about the plane hiting the Pentagon, and then a plane down in PA. Glued to the tube all day.

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