Calling all "apostates"

by alreadygone 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • alreadygone

    You will not believe this!!!

    My parent's came to visit me this weekend. I decided to start a conversation with my mom about JW's and why I don't go anymore. I brought up the UN scandal. She vehemently denied it. I said it was part of public record and she relented and said ok maybe they were member without knowing about it. WTF??? I said I don't think that is possible. So I asked her if it mattered to her if they were or not. She said, "well I would like to know". My heart jumped for joy. I told her I would get her the information. A few minutes later she said, "don't mail the info to me I'll look at it when I come back." She doesn't want to start and argument with my dad (that would be a bad scene). That actually made me even happier because she was continually thinking about it. Here is where you guys come in...

    I need the physical proof of when the WTBTS became member, when they left. I need it all. If it is available on the internet it has to be from a UN source otherwise she will disregard it. Any suggustions?

  • keeshah
  • misanthropic

    I found this on a previous thread Gadget had started awhile back...........

  • alreadygone

    Thank you. Just what I needed.

    As you might suspect. My mother had NEVER heard about this before. It was never mentioned. I'm not going to get my hopes up too much because I think she will just rationalize it away especially since they are no longer members.

    oh well I can keep trying

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Please note that the WTS only took action to terminate their association with the U.N. after a flurry of inquiries were sent to Bethel, showing proof that their association with the U.N. had been PROVEN and it was pointed out to the WTS at Bethel that their U.N. association as an NGO was contradictory to their teachings in their own publications that the U.N. was the "wild beast" of Revelation.....thus proving the WTS heirarchy to be the hypocrites they are known to be by so-called "apostates."


  • alreadygone


    I realize that. However, that is intangible and I can't prove that to my mother. My mother has been in the troof for over 25 years. My father was an elder but stepped down for medical reasons. Now that he is feeling better, it is only a matter of time that he is an elder again. I am hoping that just the fact that they were members will be "food for thought".

    I mentioned that the mags are stilled charged for in other countries and her reply was well if the legal loophole is there, why shouldn't they use it?!!! I didn't realize I was raised by such unethical people...

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    if she comes back to get the info, I would not give it to her until you have quietly discussed things like...

    talking out of 2 sides of the mouth
    2 sets of scales
    a religion with even 1 thing wrong...

    find the "familiar" WT quotes that show the how bad other religions are and how pure they are,
    that are widely known so that you can use them in sentences as a reminder.
    bible quotes and WT quotes

    you might go so far as to warn her that finding out the truth about the truth(tm) can be quite disturbing.
    The bible trained conscience would more than likely start to get in the way.

    you get the idea.
    Better for her to read the truth about the truth(TM) with TRUTH in mind - not in the "protect the WT" mode.

    good luck
    will p

  • BrendaCloutier

    (((( AlreadyGone )))) That's a great start! I hope your mother thinks about it for a while before seeing the evidence, then thinks about it some more without shutting down. Remember, they were members for almost 10 years! That required them filing paperwork to become a member, and renewing membership annually, 9 times.

  • rebel8

    FYI an interesting tidbit is the WTS wrote an article damning the Catholics for being a UN NGO!! See links/citations here, go to "info" section.

    This is especially interesting because it proves they did know what NGOs are and said it was wrong to be one.

  • twinkletoes

    When we first heard about the UN scandal, we couldn't believe it, we really thought it was a cut and paste job being done on the internet. So we wrote to the Guardian newspaper and found out the exact dates when they ran the story, then we ordered back issues of those two papers. Even after receiving the info from the newspapers, we still tried to make excuses, we were in utter disbelief (30+ years in the Org) So my husband telephoned the UN itself and they confirmed that the WBTS was indeed affiliated for almost 10 years. We also got them to put this in writing for us and when their letter arrived we made sure that we kept the envelope with the UN postmark on the front. You may be able to make that phone call to the UN while your mother is visiting you and let her hear first-hand from the UN. Maybe then she will start to research this herself.

    I hope she will see reason, but it may take some time, it took us over one year to really accept the hypocrisy of it all.


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