It was relayed to me by a friend that in order for JW's to get "help" from other JW's, that they needed to fill out a form (to make sure that they were JW's) and answer questions concerning how active they are and meeting attendance. If the meeting attendance was low or if they were "inactive", then they weren't going to be taken in or helped. In the situation that was relayed to me, a JW woman with a couple of teenaged girls was asking for help. After filling out the form, the JW doing the "relief effort" noted that since the family was inconsistent or low in their meeting attendance that in order to be helped they must now start attending all of the meetings and submit to a lot of other requirements. The teenaged girls were NOT happy about having to submit to all of that.
It ended up that this JW woman and her 2 teenaged daughters were helped by another church organization (no strings attached) who took them in. The JW was quite surprised about being helped by this "church" even though she was a JW.
Does this sound right? Is this the "norm" among JW's when they are helping "their own"? Do they only help other JW's who are "active" and have high meeting attendance, and forget about those who have low meeting attendance and don't go out in "field service"?