Did your congregation organise *college* graduation parties?

by truthseeker 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Most of the witnesses I know that have graduated high school in the congregation, have had a graduation party organized for them by the congregation.

    However, I have yet to see anyone who graduated college get the same treatment.

    Recently, we had two college students graduate in June. One elder who was asked to attend their graduation party refused the invite.

    While acknowledging that the students had worked hard, and deserved the success, he cited that he couldn't in good conscience attend the party because he was giving a talk about going to college and it wouldn't look right.

    One elder in our hall actually said to me, that he refuses to give talks about the dangers of college/university because he doesn't agree with the Society's stand on education. Both him and his wife were college graduates, and his son has started university this month.

    There are a lot of conflicting views from the friends about whether or not to send their kids, even though they know the Society's stance on higher education.

  • Smiles

    I know a few congregations that had graduation parties for JW college students. We never heard anyone in the area comdemn it.

  • blondie

    That's interesting. I know of elders who have quietly without stating anything to others avoided giving talks about doctrines or policies of the WTS that they did not support. I wonder what happens when an elder tells others he doesn't agree with a WTS policy?

  • truthseeker

    Blonide, this elder told me that he would rather his kids go to college, than flip burgers and pioneer, earning minimum wage.

  • blondie

    truthseeker, with the current increased "caution" by the WTS at the DC and now in the 10/1/05 WT study article, I wonder how long he can keep up that position without pressure from other elders and the CO/DO unless he has a heavy duty firewall around him for some reason (gives lots of money, related to highly placed JWs or friends with such). I doubt that he gives it much advertisement to more than one JW at a time.


  • rebel8

    No. I only knew 1 person that went to a community college and it was so looked down upon there was no way anyone would have participated in a celebration.

    And as for the high school graduation parties, it was more like this:

    Only Most of the popular in-crown witnesses I know that have graduated high school in the congregation, have had a graduation party organized for them by the congregation.
  • truthseeker

    Blondie, I think this elder is a secret doubter. He told me, after the book study, about the 1975 doctine, and how he had photocopies of a KM that said the friends were selling their property to spend more time preaching in the remaining years of this system of things.

    His son is confused about university, I was with him in their car group, he doesn't understand why Bethel accepts entrants for positions of Dr, nurse, lawyer if they had prior university education, yet for JW's born in the truth, they are given factory work.

  • mjarka911

    This not giving talks stuff because you don't agree with that paticular doctrine really confuses me. By the time I DA'd myself, it was because the dominoes had come tumbling down. As a JW, you're taught that this is god's only approved org and the decisions from the FDS are spirit driven. After refusing to deny myself the information available about my religious history and learning the failures, it was just natural to walk away. You either are what you say you are or not, there is no in between. How could anyone, especially an elder, continue to devote so much time and look his kids in the eyes and pass the kool aid on to them when he knows the mot basic premise is a lie? I just don't get it.

  • anewme

    I respect and applaud those witness parents who are sending their kids to college despite the caution and peer pressure from the society. I think their needs to be words of caution for a person pursuing college while desiring to maintain a spiritual emphasis in life. But loving Christian parents can take measures to monitor the spiritual and scholastic progress of their child.

    To ask a brother to step down because he lets his child attend college or trade school seems severe.
    But if that happens, who cares? Being an elder is a burden of Christian love not required for life in the scriptures. What is required is that a man preside over his own household. That a man is overlooked for further "privileges" because he sends his kid to college so be it. The emphasis should be on the health of his own household, not on supporting the society's "current" understanding. With the decrease in congregational responsibilities he can read the Bible and publications with his own family more....

    or attend college himself!!!

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    The congregation I attend organizes a graduation party each year, right around June. If college graduates want to be included, they certainly are.

    I've been to a couple of parties where college and tech/trades school graduates were announced. No big deal these days.

    The WBTS has realized that in order to make it economically these days a person needs at least an Associate's Degree, if only from some community college.


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