This was weird

by Purza 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Purza

    So I started my new job today. I work for a government agency in a local town. My boss received a package via UPS and she had no idea who it was from. She made a joking comment about it being a bomb. Anyway. . . .she opens it up and there is this gift bag and inside the gift bag was 1) a Watchtower; 2) the book with tapes for the Greatest Man Who Ever Lived; and 3) the brochure What Happens When Someone You Love Dies. How freaky was that. She looked at the stuff in horror and I said. . . "I used to be one of those JWs -- my advice, throw everything out". . . which she promptly did. She said that she was the furthest thing from a JW and she couldn't believe someone would send her that garbage.

    Turns out her mother died recently and the JW that used to call on the mother (the mother was nice to EVERYONE), found out my boss's name and address and sent her that junk.

    Just found it odd that package arrived on my first day. Nope -- I am not paranoid.


  • Honesty
    She said that she was the furthest thing from a JW and she couldn't believe someone would send her that garbage.


    Now we know what all those householders really thought about the diabolical WT message we brought to their doors.

  • skyman

    At least Garbage can be turn to energy. So Don't bad mouth Garbage. I doubt the book would decompose even if you put them on a pile of hot dung. I have heard that a twinky will not decompose if you did so I don't believe the book would either

  • Satanus

    It's disgusting what jws do (what i might have done as a believing jw). I'm glad to be on the other side of the fence.


  • Billygoat

    Ew. That was weird. Heeby Jeebys.

    Did you tell her you were a JW at one time too? Maybe she's on this board.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    You should have called in the hazmat team to disinfect the place.

  • Jeannine

    This kind of reminds me of when a guy I work with gave each and every employee a copy of the bible as a gift. There are over 200 employees were I work. He stated that an organization he belonged to helped him to pay for the bibles. I don't think he was a JW. I never asked him what religion he was. My guess is that he was a born-again something or other. Anyway, I walked into my cubicle one day and found a brand new copy of the bible. My first thought was that the gift was given with good intentions and that I should thank him. But, then I learned from other coworkers that when they thanked the guy for the gift, he launched into his preaching. I never thanked him to avoid the preaching. Looking back on it now, I am a little disturbed at the nerve of this guy to think that he can interupt my workday with his religious beliefs. If the bible was given as a Christmas/holiday gift, I could brush it off. That wasn't the case though because it was during the spring time. These bibles were handed out purely to recruit employees into a particular religion, or at least pressure them into talking about religion with this guy. Oh, the rudeness.

  • Purza
    Did you tell her you were a JW at one time too?

    She was never a dub (or at least she didn't mention it). But I doubt it.

    Hell, maybe someone will pull the stuff out of the garbage and will come into the truth lie -- then they can be on an assembly part saying they found the literature in the trash.


  • Purza
    Oh, the rudeness.

    I agree.

    The other woman in the office said she heard the JWs read the obituaries in order to send out literature. No doubt.


  • Es

    That is a little freaky

    I cant believe someone would actually send that in a gift bag...she prob thought she was doing a wonderful thing too


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